Making friends resolves most forum complaints

This just proves my point, you have no other answer. So when it comes to pros vs cons, RDF out ways it and should be added.

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Always something…

That’s a lie you like to tell. For 13 months before the rdf was added there was no growth in sub numbers. After it was added the subs stayed the same or saw small growth.

http ://

That’s another lie. I played wow from nearly release date through wrath and I don’t play retail. The rdf was extremely popular with the original game players

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No I just dont have any interest in engaging in debates with people who are intentionally being misleading or using their own inabilities to justify ruining what makes classic different than retail.

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No you aren’t! You literally class stacked and did WB metas in classic! nothing positive from letting players play what they wanted.

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I didnt class stack? I played a prot paladin and raided in the 2nd/3rd top guild (on my server) in classic. I raided as a ret paladin in TBC… you dont know me or how I play…

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I hate the ppl of this game.


Paladins are BiS tanks for tbc, you are literally proving nothing.

You guys can literally wait until Cata, most classic players will be gone by then and then you can have your homogenous classes, butchered talent trees devoid of choice / thought / fun, easy brainless world quests with RDF and LFR to boot. Leave wotlk classic untainted by everything you want, okay?

I didnt play prot tank in TBC, I played it in classic. I played ret in TBC. Try reading it again.

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yes, tanking Garr requires a lot out of you. My apologies.

Maybe it was true in Vanilla, I never played it then. But I did start in TBC, and while the combination of minimal social media, general lack of internet knowledge, and youthful naivety all kept me from noticing the general community for a while, I don’t personally think Blizzard has ever really done a whole lot to improve the actual community.

To my mind, it’s literally just WoW players in general. Retail’s a little more removed, because there’s so many more of them, but Retail has also had RDF for so long that anyone asking for it to be removed at this point would have better luck asking for Activision-Blizzard to fire Bobby.

? I never made a statement to the skill involved, you accused me of class stacking and I referred my classic experience as direct evidence against that. I played classic as it was meant to be; i picked a class/spec i thought would be fun and i stuck with it. I didnt care about the meta, or parses, or anything else. I just wanted to level and enjoy everything classic had to offer. :slight_smile:

So if they disagree with you they are being intentionally misleading. It couldn’t possibly they honestly just have a different opinion. That’s a great way to shut down a conversation and is pretty anti-social.

You want RDF.

Retail has RDF.

Go play retail.

Its really simple, theres is 0 reason whatsoever, to bring retail to classic. You get all of that garbage in Cata, LFR, non existent talent trees, “bring the player” crap, brainless quests, RDF, etc etc etc.

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RDF doesn’t limit or detract from this in the slightest.

But my guild doesn’t exist just to service me, and it’s good to have options when there’s not enough to fill a group. I’d rather run a group with 2 or 3 guildies than run no group at all. RDF helps create those occurrences to a vast degree.

Blizz has this notion that it’s ‘all or nothing’. 5 man premade or no dungeon groups. Well, you get a LOT more nothings in that scenario.


You don’t want RDF

Classic SoM doesn’t have RDF

Go play Classic SoM.

It’s really simple. There’s 0 reason whatsoever to gut and remove parts of Wrath from Classic Wrath.

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be wrath. Don’t try to make it into vanilla. Wrath had the rdf.

When someone asked for rdf in bc people told us to wait for wrath. That’s what we did. Time to make wrath classic wrath. Don’t remove rdf

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It actually does. RDF destroys the community. I am a cocky healer, I like to let my tanks know they should go faster. This morning I was healing MGT H on my priest and the tank was like “yo xxxxxx werent you calling my pulls [expletive removed] pulls last night?” To which I reply “lmfao maybe xD” and we kicked it and had a lot of fun in that dungeon and ran some more heroics after. These kinds of interactins are excessively rare in RDF and furthermore cannot be followed up on in anyway whether random (meeting in another pug group/dailies/leveling again) or planned (deciding we should duo tank/heal dungeons going forward).

Pretty much this. I would love it if Vanilla players and Devs would stop trying to make every XPac into Vanilla. I want the original Classic experience. That’s what I asked for in Classic Vanilla, it’s what I asked for in Classic TBC, it’s what I’m asking for in Classic Wrath.

(that said, I’m OK if they change the unpopular things from Cata, 'cause that’s where we first saw QoL changes that negatively impacted the game.)

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