Making friends resolves most forum complaints

It doesn’t actually. RDF improves my connection to the community. By a large margin. So you are objectively wrong in that statement.


Actually, classic wotlk also doesnt have RDF so you know I’ll keep playing wotlk classic. LMAO.

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Yeah, that’s super funny. Your butt is like all the way off, it was so funny.

If “community” to you is “getting to max level asap so i can afk in major cities while queuing for heroics” then yes I agree with you, I am sure it does improve your connection to the community. The good news is that retail has tripled down on this kind of community building! Go play that! :slight_smile:

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That sounds like your idea of “community”. I already explained mine, but you choose to ignore it.

I highly doubt that but ok. I’ll play along with that for now.

And by this logic, RDF encourages this. The vary thing you claim.

No you made yours perfectly clear, you want to AFK in big cities and let an algorithm handle all the hassles of social interactions for you; retail is your game.


Of course you do. You want to control how every one plays the game.

That happened all the time for me in rdf groups. If I wanted to run more dungeons and had a good group I’d always say,“I’m running another dungeon. Anyone want to join the queue with me?” Often some or all would rejoin the queue together. If you were able to talk to people you could do the same as I did in rdf groups.

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It doesn’t actually. It destroys the funnest parts of leveling with people; actually interacting and making friends with people on my server!

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Yes and because youre on separate servers the interaction / relationship never goes beyond that, you are on two islands and for a brief moment you were able to have fun and after that never again. Notice that the tank had met me the previous night so a full 10+ hours had elapsed between the first and second time we met and because we are on the same server it is very likely we will continue to meet again and again, crazy I know.


Running dungeons is a tedious, unpleasant process that should be treated as perfunctorily as possible, like taking a dump in a public restroom. Get in, reach into the bowl for your treasure, get out. Loitering and striking up conversations in toilets is frowned upon for good reason.

Don’t run dungeons if you don’t enjoy them, unlike going to the restroom dungeons are not a necessary component of the leveling process.

I started tanking on this character as soon as I hit outland and I would end up grouping with the same people I met in LFG on the way to 70. It always felt good logging in and getting a whisper from one of those players asking if I had time to tank and last night I even ran some heroics with those exact same people.

That kind of interaction does not happen with RDF, all those players would get shuffled back into the massive cross realm deck and I would most likely never interact with them again.

If thats your opinion you probably should find a different genre because it really sounds like you don’t enjoy this one.


Now you are lying. So it befuddled me that you are in favor of force socializing, while clearly lying. I mean, everything I said is in this thread, and I literally said the opposite of what you claimed. You are a liar


But if I was in that group I wouldn’t group with you again. I hate playing with people who want to dominate the group and force everyone to rush rush rush go go go. You can only do sht like that as a healer. I hate tanks and healers who use their scarcity to push people around. Fortunately I usually heal too so I won’t be grouped with you.


lol why did this get flagged and removed?
it’s literally exactly how forum beards are. and its the entire point of the op, just more direct.


Its not about go go go, its about having fun; fun to me is trying out my new gear and testing my ability to handle situations that can quickly devolve into chaos. And because we are on the same server and I have a rep for wanting that kind of dungeon experience, you are perfectly able to just not group with me! With RDF though you would be forced to take the 30 minute debuff and sit in queue again or be compelled to play the game my way.

I highly doubt that you actually interact with others. calling pk’s isn’t really interaction. That’s reporting.

I’m just going to say we both have different views on what a player interaction is and call it a day. Me queueing and playing with others is a player interaction in my book.


calling pks?

Fun to you is telling the tank to go go go so you can rush through the dungeon. You said it yourself. You like telling tanks to go faster. You’re a control freak, not just in dungeons where you tell the tank what to do, but in the whole game where you want to choose how everyone gets a dungeon. You don’t want to let people choose how to play. You want to control every thing.

That’s probably why all your friends abandoned you when the rdf was added. They’d rather play with 4 strangers then run a dungeon with you

Pugs are just like the rdf in that way. Except for the person who invited me, I have no idea who is in the group until I join. I could be invited by a tank and then there you are, the a-hole who is always pushing the group to rush through the dungeon. Did you even play wrath? You don’t seem to know what happens in the rdf nor do you seem to understand pugs.