Making friends resolves most forum complaints

You’ve never rolled up a toon on another server just to send someone a Ripped Ogre Loincloth, and then delete the toon?

10/10, would recommend.

If you want to argue that LFR ruined the community, I would concede your point. I don’t think it’s the only thing, but I think it’s one of the things. Joining a guild to be able to raid I think has fostered many long time relationships & friendships. That’s not my experience with dungeoning. That’s why I’m completely in favor of RDF, and would be fine with LFR being left out.

I’ve seen it. Before rdf most people were sitting in a city focused on lfg chat so they could find a group. After it was added people would join the queue and go out and quest or farm while they waited for the dungeon to pop. I suppose a few people like you hated questing so much they would do nothing for 40 minutes while waiting for the dungeon to pop but most people would quest or farm while waiting.


Calling something “cancer to the community”, that’s not a cancer to the community, is a cancer to the community.

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Thats like your opinion, and your opinion isn’t backed by evidence but rather formed by your inability to create dungeon groups in a timely manner. I’m sorry, but I have no problem getting groups together in a timely fashion and I also have no interest in never seeing a single person out in the world if RDF was implemented.

Other mmo’s don’t have this issue when involving a RDF feature, as well as a LFR feature. Why is it that classic wow has this issue? I have my theories on this, but would like to see more as to why it’s a bad thing, and stop using the word community. Give us all other reasons why it’s bad.

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No I won’t stop using community, because the community exists in classic and it does not exist in retail.

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My inability to create dungeons groups literally is my evidence. I have no problems with you having an easy time forming groups. It’s very difficult for me, and I for one, don’t appreciate your disparaging comments. You seem kinda mean for someone championing “socializing with folks”. Why would I want to socialize with you when you are just going to call me out for my weaknesses?

Why would I want to socialize with someone who wants to turn the game into the abomination that is retail?

That’s like your opinion, and your opinion isn’t backed by evidence. I and everyone I knew back then would join the queue and go out to quest or farm while waiting for the dungeon to pop. If you just sat in the city that’s a you problem

Then you have no reason to worry about your “community”. But you still fail to say why it’s bad other then it being a negative on “your” community.

You tell me? You are the one saying we need to socialize with you. That’s not what I’m saying.

Actually it is check sub numbers before RDF wow is growing, post RDF (and especially LFR) subs fell off like a rock.

It’s because toxicity is inherent in WoW, whereas other MMOs with those features are typically ones that have taken an active role in actually uplifting their community.

Subs actually grew by ~500k after the launch of RDF. Now, RDF also came out with ICC, and not too long after was the announcement for Cata, so unlike disingenuous anti-RDF posters, I’m not going to claim I’m psychic about why those 500k players came back/started around that time.

Retail is your community, they’ll be happy to have you there.

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It’s already been done. WoW grew to it’s all time highest number more than a year after RDF was introduced. The evidence is not on your side.

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I would actually disagree with that, wow used to be uplifting at one point. Why is it different when it comes to classic wow.

theres a literal post earlier today/yesterday proving the exact oppsite.

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They can say what they want, but they are wrong if they aren’t saying what I just said.

because were trying to protect something from the hordes of retail players who want retail lite.