Making friends resolves most forum complaints

You guys are really scraping the bottom of the barrel of stupid takes.

Wrath had RDF for a single content patch. How in the hell do you assert that it was build with RDF in mind, when most of its content was played without it?

Except Classic, which only exists as a rejection and space outside of modern MMO systems :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh I see, so this is what random people forced into a group with you are for.

Vanilla is certainly much more in line with Classic values, so… yeah. Wrath as it stood was more like retail. Pulling it toward Vanilla makes it a better game, and definitely much better suited to the intent of the Classic experience.

Classic isn’t supposed to be a rerelease of retail at 2x speed.

Average Classic player is around 30, but we have a couple zoomers in our guild, and we all get along great.

Just say “bussing”, or “bricked up” a lot and they’ll love you. Any context, doesn’t matter.

Like “this loot is bussing” or “this boss has me bricked up for real for real on god I am bussing”

That’s the game bucko.

You gotta socialize. It’s actually much harder on a megaserver, cause you get no name recognition.

That’s the game too! We don’t have personal loot. If you’re good, and the guild is smart, you’ll be fine. Just put in your dues.

The clique guilds can blow, for sure. Sometimes it’s not a clique tho. Sometimes the chemistry is lacking.

I like being a solo player. I’m in a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER Online Role Playing Game.

You can’t make this up.

By solo player I mean I don’t join raiding guilds.

But I like grouping up with random players. I equate it to sitting next to someone on the bus or airplane and chatting with them for the duration.

I’m not getting their phone number and having dinner with them later. We met each other, talked and then moved on.

That’s how it is in WoW for me. I dungeon with randoms, talk for a bit and then move on.

Nothing wrong with that.

I think folks equate solo player to someone who never interacts with others. I interact, I just don’t go out of my way to make friends and just enjoy folks company for the dungeon or BG.

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If you’re interacting and finding groups without rdf why do you care if other people want to play with it?


So what I hear you say is find a really good group of people, them pester them to run dungeons with you until they avoid you.

Yeah, i don’t think that’s a recipe for long term success. I am in an awesome guild of great people. We have been raiding since Molten Core with a good chunk of the core group playing all throughout Classic thus far.

But to respond to your point, the guild was built to raid. The guild wasn’t built to dungeon. Most folks in the guild don’t run dungeons once their main is geared. I’ll always ask in guild first before I pug, and sometimes there’s enough folks to form a group, but often I have to pug 1-4 of the other spots if I want to dungeon. Every once in a while, there’s 6-7 of us who want to run a dungeon? Guess what? That means 1-2 guildies are out of luck, and joining a great guild didn’t help them find a dungeon.

The last thing, I mean, the very last thing I’m going to do is badger these good people who formed a group to raid so that they can do the thing I want them to do. It’s extremely selfish.

Most of my friends are outside the game. In order to raid, I find a good guild of people who I get along with, and I socialize with them. I have no interest in making zillions of random friends. I barely have enough time for the friends I already have.

All that is to say, your commentary is 100% wrong. I don’t mean to be mean, but just saying. Dismissing me while having no idea of my personality, no idea of how I enjoy playing games, how I enjoy socializing, is kinda the textbook definition of narcissism.

I socialize with the folks I raid with. I also like to level alts and run dungeons, but don’t want to join a new guild every day just to get a dungeon run in. Joining a great guild does not solve the problem of removing RDF at all. Like, it’s 0% the solution for replacing RDF.

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This makes no sense. What random person is force to group with anyone in WoW?

because it destroys the community literally, it destroys people going out into the world, it destroys questing, its not about “choosing not to use it” its about “it alters the very fundamentals of what an MMORPG is meant to be - a social game, not a loot simulator.”

You are saying LFG destroys the community, alters fundamentals, etc? Not following what you mean by “it”, so wanted to be sure before I respond.

It does none of the things you just falsely claims it does.

It actually helps all of them. It helps people group up, it helps people get into groups while still being able to go out in the world and quest. You’re wrong.

RDF does destroy the community / alter what constitutes the basis of an MMO.

No one says gratz when people ding anymore. We have no community.

No it doesn’t. It facilitates social interactions. It brings players together. It creates far, far more groups and dungeon runs. It encourages players to invite others to groups and queue up because of the accessibility.

One only needs to look at TBCC to see that RDF has nothing to do with a bad community. TBCC was the most toxic I’ve ever seen the community.

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I think you have them mixed up. LFG is what we have currently. RDF is what we are asking for.

I would argue that LFG (the current tool) does all the things you say though.

With LFG, I’m lucky to run 3-4 dungeons a week. With RDF I can easily run 3-4 dungeons a day. That means I’m seeing, playing, and interacting with several times as many players with RDF than I am with LFG. RDF puts the “Massive” into MMO. WIth LFG I’m often playing alone.

With LFG I’m sitting in a capital, refreshing the LFG tool and watching the spam in LFG channel. I’m not not “out in the world”, I’m not questing, I’m not interacting with anyone outside of “I can go” and if I’m lucky, “sorry filled”. Or if I’m forming the group, “LFM”, “LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,“LFM”,…I could go on. With RDF, I queue, then I go quest. I run into folks while questing. I run into lots of folks in the dungeon that group with me. I can actually play the game, which is the main reason I pay my monthly sub. It’s a crazy thought, but yeah, playing the game is kinda fun.

So that what why I would like RDF put into the game.

and yet you can log into retail and literally beat the game without ever saying a single word to anyone and RDF is the first step on that journey.

Ah, you’re just a troll.

RDF isn’t even used in Retail at max. And take it out of the leveling experience and NO ONE runs lower level dungeons. You will never even see another player.

At least you showed your true colors pretty quickly. Cheers.

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RDF isn’t used in Retail outside of leveling. It has been made irrelevant in end game.

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Beat me to it! =)

It didn’t destroy my community. Seems to me your so called friends, the people you’re interacting with, aren’t really good friends at all. It sounds like a you problem to me. You need to learn how to make better friends and find a better guild.

It didn’t do that for me and my friends. If you and your friends stopped going out into the world and stopped questing that’s again a you problem.

When I was playing a dps alt it took about 30 to 40 minutes in the queue with rdf. I’d go out to quest or farm while I waited. Even if dungeon xp is superior to questing xp questing xp is better than waiting in the city and doing nothing. And you don’t just get xp while questing. You get mats to level up professions or to sell or a green or maybe even a blue to use or sell. Why would anyone do nothing for 40 minutes when they can easily quest while using the rdf?

It seems to me you and your friends really hated questing and didn’t really want to play the game if you sat in the city doing nothing instead of going out into the world. It doesn’t seem like this game is much fun for you. You should try to find a game that you like to play.

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No I don’t. As someone whos played both with and without RDF and seen the difference in what the world looks like, RDF is a cancer to the community.