Making friends resolves most forum complaints

You know that’s not true. People take the path of least resistance.

When mage boosting was in the game I couldn’t find a single legit strat run. EVER.

All of the sudden when they took out mage boosting legit groups are all over the place. It’s almost like if you provide people the path of least resistance they will take it.

The community did the same thing with getting world buffs for the easiest raid of all time: Molten Core

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Their approach was to make it more accessible. The design goal wasn’t just to do so. it was about improving on EQ by making changes that made a good MMO. They made many choices also to avoid accessibility in favor of social interaction especially in vanilla.

Never said this. This does nothing to refute anything I said about why it dropped like it did bearing in mind it was you that went to talk about sub counts. Saying it was always inevitable it just happened to happen during the first expansion the game embraced the faceless cross server mentality is funny to read, though.

Emphasis on “well formed”. The system in warcraft 3 had matchmaking, ranking placements and relevance with predicting groups that never existed in RDF at any stage. RDF wasn’t like WC3’s matchmaking, it was more of the modern “throw them together” matchmaking mentality that took agency away from players. What’s more you could leave a WC3 match in a lobby and knew who you’d be playing with and opt in.

Thank you for the admitting that you have no intention of engaging in good faith. Saves a lot of time not having to humor disingenuous argumentation.

If you don’t plan to read replies or make a rebuttal on general discussion that’s a you problem. Thanks for your bad reductionist arguments, I had a good laugh at the mental gymnastics of trying to argue they use later patches for any reason other than the dev time it saves and lack of bugs/balance.


Shadowlands is awful no one wants that.

They don’t actually want to play an MMO. They want something they can “win” and the only way to do that is to get to the “end” as fast as possible.

You just described everything wrong with RDF in a nutshell. Well played. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Pro tip -

You can make friends, join a good guild and talk with your fellow players AND have RDF at the same time.

Mind blowing I know.

Lmao I feel this way about myself. But as I try to communicate with others around me nobody gives in. Everyone is so dull!

You need to look in a mirror. You haven’t engaged in any “good faith” discussions since you came to these forums.

Pro tip: People that want RDF don’t actually want to talk to you at all. They just want to grind content and you’re just a “useful tool” to get them through it.

RDF is detrimental to the game.

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Pro tip -

Everyone has different playstyles. RDF does not take the ability away from you to make friends, join a good guild and talk amonst your fellow players.

You can argue whether RDF is detrimental to the game or not all you want, the OP was stupidly flawed.

I exclusively engage in good faith. Not tolerating those who don’t doesn’t mean I’m not doing so myself. My question wasn’t a trap and I was perfectly honest about my reasonable expectations of that it be answered plainly. He didn’t and so that’s that.

From my experience… this is already the case without RDF

It’s the anti-RDF people who advocate treating people as useful tools. Pro-RDF players are aware that forced socialization is dehumanizing.


Says the guy that never hit 1k in arena.

I agree, I get sort of annoyed mainly with the LFR community because whenever you recommend something to them they’re like “no, I don’t have the time”

of course you’re both bad at humans stuff. You’re Trolls. As a Belf I can’t human either.

My issue with RDF is the cross server. You can’t do anything but your character roll. Can’t party up later to go do a group quest. Can’t send them random fish. Can’t even BS at 1am when you’re both just derping around in game.

If it’s server only the fun people can be friended. Cross server they can’t.

That’s always been my issue with RDF even when it first launched.

Brother you haven’t even cleared BT or Hyjal or SWP. Stop acting like you play this game. Stop posting.

Actually false. RDF led to the highest sub count possible. The destruction of the world, the increase in difficulty of content, and the simplification of the talent trees in CATA is what led to the bleeding of long term players. Stop attributing the loss of players to RDF when RDF led to nothing but an increase in players. You’re being disingenuous and arguing in bad faith.

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Rofl. Ye, guess playing through AQ in Vanilla Classic, until the end of season 1 in TBCC, now, and also having followed the game whenever I wasn’t actively playing very closely via my friends who still did, means I have no idea about the game. Merely half of it’s lifespan.

It’s just the basics of the gaming genre. It’s like playing a fighting game where doing special moves is just a press of a button instead of a more complicated thing. Smash is like that but it has at least frames you have to keep track for certain combos. RPGs have been streamlined to a ridiculous amount as it is. At some point something’s gotta give without making every genre - an arcane game.

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