Making friends resolves most forum complaints

Nobody is asking for a pure version of the game. Read the post or don’t bother replying with your word salad, it’s called general discussion for a reason.


Some people don’t play often enough to raid. Should we change how raiding works for them as well? Should we introduce LFR early because some people don’t have time?

And some people aren’t good at the game. Should we make the game easier for them too?

  1. making friends: when i was young, i made lots of friends. but now as an old person? not so much. it is hard to relate to people that are half my age or more: other than wow, we have nothing in common. no youngin wants to be friends with an old person anyways, we are totally uncool. :frowning:

  2. get a guild: finding that perfect guild which fits your ideal raid times, mind set of the guild, loot system, active players, nice people, won’t have half the guild quit the moment there is any sort of problems, etc etc is a pita. despite what some might claim that it’s super easy to find one, it really is not. it’s not like blizzard put in a system to make finding a guild easier…no they don’t. plus starting as the low man on the totem pole having to prove over and over that you are a reliable/good player is also a drag. oh and gl getting into that click group btw, ALL guilds have them.

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This is some wild hubris.

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See this is your problem, you reject yourself before anyone else does. You need to be more confident.

Stop looking for perfection and just look for a guild you have fun in. That’s it.


Asking for things from retail that would benefit classic is not making anything shadowlands 0.5

Shadowlands is shadowlands because of the ZONES, QUESTS, DUNGEONS, RAIDS, SYSTEMS, and CLASS/SPEC ABILITIES. It is not Shadowlands due to any QoL features.

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Classic exists because classic players showed blizzard they could regain subs they can’t get with the product they have. That’s why classic wasn’t a thing until people pushed for it for years.

You can make one liner points that refute nothing all you want. It makes 0 business sense for blizzard to compete with its own product unless it was for those classic subs it lost.


Never forget that you’re the one asking for the changes here.

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I’m in a great guild, and I still want LFD.

Retail is different because its design philosophy is different. It’s made for accessibility at any cost. Classic is very much different and bringing that design philosophy into classic has repeatedly caused problems as we have seen with every change.

Name one. I have repeatedly stated I don’t mind LFD alongside ICC which is when it came out.


The same was true in OG WotLK.

Actually rdf would of launched with WOTLK except it just wasn’t ready, blue posts confirm this.

They wanted it out at launch, it just wasn’t ready yet.

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If that’s true, maybe that explains the extremely dumbed down version of dungeons. Faceroll easy and simple to navigate so that RDF calibre players could conquer it.

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I don’t understand the appeal of making a group as a tank, grabbing three DPS and then spamming “LF healer for X” for fifteen minutes.

“Well just roll a healer!”

If I did that it’d be the same case with a tank.

There is nothing social about spamming LFG. I’m doing the dungeon for a specific purpose. It’s either quests or XP or gear. It’s not to make friends.

I like being a solo player. I’m in an MMORPG, it’s not “join a guild/make friends”, you can do all the content as a solo player with pugs. RDF just helps that.

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I mean most classic players aren’t good.

Look at sunwell.

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I haven’t see a single interrupt used in my time leveling on the fresh servers. Not one.

Wrath is not modern Wow in the slightest. I don’t play it and I don’t care about anything past Wrath. But Wrath is not Vanilla.

Yea cuz most of the player base isn’t good.

Wrath isn’t retail either. And by the way, wrath was almost entirely made by the classic developers.

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I don’t want guild/friends level 70s to run me through low level content and not enough of them have lower level tooms, they’re all capped. Your solution is BS, the whole problem is that there aren’t enough people, on some servers, to run all the content and your solution is to make that circle even smaller?