Making friends resolves most forum complaints

Why are people obsessed with forcing people to make friends?

Anyone demanding people socialize or make friends are questionable humans. It’s superficial. It’s self-adsorbed nonsense.

Most humans are not quality humans. Most are not worthy of befriending. Especially the type that runs around saying “just make friends.”

In order to become my friend I require trust, loyalty, honesty, integrity, intelligence and many other important qualities. Do you have any idea how rare that is? Most people on WoW or any video game for that matter goes around “Dude I’m so high” “Dude I’m so drunk” Or make all sorts of juvenile jokes.

It’s extremely rare I align with anyone. Making a friend just to make a friend is better left for the low intelligence. I have standards.


me too my guy

How does one go about making friends when General, Trade, and LFG is full of “LFG/LFM/GDKP/Guild Recruitment” spam? :joy:

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who which trolls alt are you

This is a decent solution for organized content, but unless you’re in a gigantic guild, chances are you’re going to find yourself eventually playing outside the schedule of your guildmates and friends.

As for embracing the MMO spirit… Every single MMO has adopted some form of RDF for a reason :slight_smile:

This briefs well in theory, until you’re 1 of 2 people in your guild leveling an alt in a certain level bracket and the other guy isn’t on. Then you’re back to the same dilemna as the pro RDF crowd talks about.

A point that also seems to be skipped is that RDF actually increases people’s propensity to run dungeons, which in turn increases socialization opportunities. If I’m level 47 and in Eastern Kingdoms, the chances that I’m going to run Mara is greatly increased by a teleportation while I’m questing. If not im just going to finish out quests by myself. I’ll do it if I’m on for a few hours, but it’s not an enriching, enlightening experience doing the afk flight path/boat adventure for 30 minutes for the 300th time. How doing this and then summoning the majority of the group enhances the community is never really explained by the muh community crowd.

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People survived without RDF for most of the expansion. To say that WotLK was built with RDF in mind is silly given that it wasn’t available for most of it.

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No it’s not. They knew it was going to be in the expansion at some point, and even wanted it in at the start. As much as the expansion could be designed with it in mind it was. Still haven’t been able to find the blue post that states as much but it does exist. I’ve seen it linked on these forums but I can’t stop time to read three weeks of RDF posts to find it. They wanted the general idea of RDF in from Vanilla, and they wanted the specific iteration we got in Wrath in at the start of the expansion.

This is just wrong lol, at a certain point many guilds are done with leveling content and focus more on raiding, you’ll still need the dungeon finder eventually with a “good guild”.

Who is doing dungeons outside of Pre-raid BiS and Rep tabard grinding?

Is the leveling experience really affecting you that much?

“This thing that isn’t end-game and doesn’t affect end-game is making me angry. Reeeeee

Is all your gameplay wrap up on a limited amount of alts (based on server capacity and class/race combinations)?

On your alts, do you just dungeon to cap although leveling with proper guides is the fastest way to cap although less convenient?

So you have all the dungeon gear on your alt, now what… no endgame?

Why is everyone so triggered on something that isn’t the meat of the game?

I would agree LFR would hurt the game but normal dungeon queues seem benign.

Why does the anti-rdf crowd have such binary thinking regarding RDF?

Active guilds nor RDF are replacements for either. They are an incredible compliment to each other. The makeup of your guildies online at any given doesn’t perfectly break up into equal dungeon parties. With RDF, everyone can get out there and keep grinding and getting ready for the raid. No one has to be left behind on the road to being raid-ready; people can log in and grind their gear when it’s convenient, etc.

RDF doesn’t negate the benefits or capabilities to form social relationships with other gamers. The anti-RDF’ers rail so freaking hard on this pseudo fear of losing “community” that I’m starting to think some of you rely heavily on the forced social aspect that finding a dungeon group without RDF necessitates. And then a handful of you come off so incredibly toxic that I would avoid you in-game regardless of the situation.

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No, this doesn’t.

Making friends is often an alignment of events… if certain events don’t align, friends will not be made. Some people don’t play often enough to have friends. Some people aren’t good at making friends. You can’t just beat people over the head with a standard like “just make friends to solve all your problems.” Some are more fortunate than others.

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The forums largely seem to be a place where people predominantly from retail go to demand the game become shadowlands 0.5. Any genuine attempt to help them is pointless as if they had any interest of capacity to make friends and enjoy the game they wouldn’t be venting at blizzard on the forums in the first place.


Do friends solve my problem of people trying to change the game from an authentic recreation of the original?

Such a tired argument. Your guildmates and friends do not exist to carry your alts.

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Another good example of this ridiculous binary mindset. I don’t know how to explain this to you in a way you’re willing to accept but:

a) People play both retail wow and classic, it’s not an either/or situation. Even if you choose to insulate yourself with this belief it doesn’t negate the reality.

b) We are talking about WOTLK Classic, the expansion with the highest number of subscribers in the history of the game. Anyone acting surprised that there is not only increased interest in WOTLK Classic but that that interest is including a whole host of people who had no interest in Vanilla or TBC isn’t paying very good attention.


Or a place where classic andys demand wrath be more like vanilla. You guys literally make up your own reality at this point.


It’s well established that the game while being open to be played by retail players wasn’t designed for them. Classic wouldn’t exist if classic players hadn’t showed there was a potential audience for it by repeatedly asking for it and even playing on servers. They didn’t make a game to compete with the product they already have where they make less money on its players.

How does that contradict anything I said? I obviously anticipate increased interests from tourists every expansion to come and demand changes. It always happens.

Anything I’ve called for hasn’t had anything to do with authenticity but for the health of the game.


Right, you making up a reality that does not exist in some wild quest for some pure version of the game. We have seen all of this nonsense before.