Making friends resolves most forum complaints

There’s a dev from back in the day which talks about it. I do not have it on hand. Will try to find it.

I see what you’re saying and respect that, but you’re in a severe minority in that regard. Theres a big difference between someone enjoying their leveling experience, and someone grinding out gear to be a viable candidate for raids. Again, it largely comes back to efficiency.

yeah… As soon as they give us a proper tool to form pug groups… One that actually works, doesn’t require us to do a full time job camping a tool that is over 50% spam. One that doesn’t result in being gatekept out of content because you’re using the “wrong” talents or you’re not the most efficient comp.

Still looking for the specific post I’m referencing, but in the mean time found this:

"In an effort to make the game more streamlined and player-friendly, Blizzard introduced the Looking for Group tool in Burning Crusade. In Vanilla or Classic World of Warcraft, players had to talk in a unique Looking for Group chat channel to find other player looking to run the same dungeon. Once you found a full party, which could take anywhere from minutes to hours, then you had to summon the entire party. This involved a lot of walking, riding, flying, and teleporting.

The Looking for Group tool was an attempt at a push-button fix for the problem. The idea was to make it dead simple to group up and run an instance.

If you truly want to get back to the genesis of Dungeon Finder, it probably goes all the way back to Warcraft 3. When we moved from Starcraft to Warcraft 3, one of the big innovations that we did in Warcraft 3 was add automated matchmaking,” says Pardo. “I was certainly always passionate about the idea of could we just take the Warcraft 3 methodology? Can we get it down to a single button; you press a button and you’re instantly magically in a group that’s well-formed.”"

https //www usgamer net/articles/how-world-of-warcraft-was-made-the-inside-story

My understanding previously had been that the devs actually wanted dungeon finder in in Vanilla if they could have just snapped their fingers and magically conjured any fully functional system they desired. This seems to support that.


Or you know we could accept that different people like different things in a game. I would imagine there are plenty of these so called “unsocial” people who want rdf who have wives and kids, real life commitments, etc. You know, not actuall as antisocial as they’re made out to be.

Regardless of who wants rdf or doesn’t, it was in original wrath. It may have come out in a later patch but it was still in the game for half its time. Since wrath classic was is to be based on that late patch most people, if not all, expected it in wrath classic. I didn’t expect it in tbc, and don’t think I asked for it, if I did it wasn’t a serious request, but it existed in original wrath so it should be in wrath classic. If you don’t want to use it, or you want to run with your guild that can remain, but it should be there for those who do want it.

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Bruh. I’m 30 and playing mmos since i was 10. I don’t have a single friend. I’m really bad at humans stuff

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I mean, you said it yourself. People want efficiency. Make your own groups, dual spec tank if you’re already not one. Find a guild too. I dunno what mankirk is like, but, you have options.

Options? RDF should be an option. I will choose RDF as my option and you can continue to choose gatekeeping and toxicity as yours.


Unless people are calling you funny names, i don’t think people wanting others to put forth some effort, toxic. As ive been saying, its all about doing things the most efficient way possible. Unfortunately for you, LFD doesn’t seem to be an option at all if blizzard chooses to stick to their guns. Try a guild, or play blood spec. Check icy veins for a quick build and run down of how to play, and you can make your own groups and keep the jerks out.

Your argument sounds a bit self-contradictory to me.
If people are in guilds and have friends, RDF should not have any impact whatsoever.

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This comes back down to “If they couldn’t, it’s a them problem.” And the most efficient group is still the one you put together yourself with people you know are geared, and with whom you run multiple dungeons. RDF is only more efficient in PuG scenarios, which are already pretty much maxed out on their lack of socialness. If any anti-RDF crusader actually gave a flying mother about sinking their teeth into building relationships with randoms they are precisely the group that shouldn’t be whining about a lack of efficiency.

If anything the introduction of RDF should be a boon to them since now they can form analog groups and know that anyone else who is doing the same is of a like mind and looking for social interaction, rather than artificially bolstering their ranks with people like myself who actually don’t want to be involved in the analog process.


Just my experience but I thought classic would be a chill place to knock out some easy raids and such. Instead its full of a whole lot of tryhards who think they are good players flexing on people in the easiest versions of the game. Like I legit had to leave a guild because people were arguing if Molten core was harder then mythic raids in legion. I guess I was the unsocial one there…

Blizzard is encouraging the GDKP and boosting services by making it more difficult for casual players to form groups so don’t expect it to get any better any time soon.

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You cant force me to make friends online and group with repercussions if im just giving attitude. Ill threaten to unsub even though since im posting it proves I have an active sub.

Yes? You need an active sub to threaten to unsub… Thats literally how it works. How can I threaten to unsub if I am not subbed already…

With that attitude ill unsub then you will see how many players Blizzard loses. How dare you.

Fair enough.

you’re right. Blizz just conjured up the code overnight after reading complaints. no shot they weren’t already working on it prior to the xpac.

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Well too many introverts play wow classic

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Yeah cause being able to add friends from different realms after doing some keys is far awsy from social if anything wow retail is more social if you make it that way with all the cross realms and cross factions its not about tools its the mentality of the player base

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