Making friends resolves most forum complaints

I’m reading this as you saying that not many people like playing the game like you do, so when people are randomly grouped to run with you in RDF, they tend to kick you from group, so you like Blizzard to accommodate you instead of the masses by forcing them to have to join your group if they want heals so you and you alone have the power to kick.

So far every real reason people give for being against RDF basically boils down to “I’m selfish”, but that doesn’t play well, so you have to lean on “it hurts mah community” until you forget and say the quiet part out loud.

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Unless your friends are Blizzard developers… no, it doesn’t.

You draw a lot of baseless accusations out of thin air, projection much?

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Many people are quite happy with the way I play the game. You like the other OP like to draw a lot of baseless conclusions and then project them on me. Its very curious.

That directly contradicts what you are saying. So if lots of folks like the way you play, why do you keep getting booted from groups?

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I never stated I got booted from a group? More projection?

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They’ve run out of ammo and have to start making up nonsense to keep up their forum pvp.

They never had anything to begin with, RDF isnt in Wrath, Blizz launched the game on 3.03 patch without RDF. Its pretty clear that Blizzard knows what the majority of players who play the game and dont go to the forums want.

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I never tell people how to run a dungeon. I just go with the flow, fast slow, whatever. I’m just reading what you post. Something you don’t seem to do. You literally said

Not I once told a tank to go faster or occasionally I’ll tell a tank to go faster. It’s the norm with you. You like to tell tanks, plural, to go faster. If you weren’t a healer people wouldn’t put up with it. People will put up with a lot of sht because healers are hard to get. And you clearly abuse it.

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Its only a small fraction of people posting on the forums about it daily, nobody in game is even bringing it up and people are just playing the game like normal.

Whenever there was an issue that the player base really was upset about it the forums would be on fire and there would always be a mega thread with thousands of likes. These pro rdf threads always cap out around 100 likes because its the same small pocket of complainers reposting and being overly toxic each time.

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Paradoxically, an overflow of misery and toxicity is the inevitable byproduct of all MMORPG friendships, for the simple reason that making friends obligates you to play the game. Your free time, your leisure time, eventually is spent in stress, hostage to the tyrannical whims of others.

“Oh, Kenneth Branagh’s Shakespeare marathon is showing on TNT tonight!” Then your phone buzzes. A new message in the app: it’s Gary Schumacher, the forty-year-old spinster from Duluth. “U gettin on?? Dungeon time, buddy!!! Dungeon!!!” That’s no way to live.

Even the strongest, most well-balanced human being would become a miserable husk who hates the idea that other people don’t have to suffer as they do and would invest the remainder of their precious free time into resisting the inclusion of a friend-circumventing dungeon grouping tool. Purge your friends list! They don’t deserve you!

If blizzard knows what the majority of players want then they wouldn’t have lost tons of players in Cata. They made plenty of guesses and then changed their minds when it was clear they guessed wrong.

My fun is important too, no? So what the tank gets to have fun doing his rotation, the DPS get to have fun doing their rotations and I get to be bored out of my mind because everyone is so overgeared the dungeons do no damage? Dang you’re selfish.

And it seems they’ve learned from some of their mistakes by not implementing RDF! Strange that, eh?

Don’t have to have RDF for high level content, I would like RDF for leveling alts, its weird but some people like to play all the content even the low level stuff.

Wrath was built with a feature in mind that wasn’t added until over halfway through the exansion? It sounds like you have some evidence to support that?

I like to play all the content, low level included and the best way to do that is without RDF!

When I’m not healing I’ll spend that time doing dps if I have sufficient mana. If the group is so overgeared they’re barely taking damage I’ll spend 90% of the time doing dps. I don’t think that if I’m bored because the group isn’t taking much damage I get to order everyone else in the group around. Is that what happens if you get bored at work? Or if you’re bored at home? Do you start ordering around the coworkers, the wife and kids, your neighbors? I guess we have a different idea of what selfish means.

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I think it is fair to say that irrespective of the feature’s late introduction it fits a lot of the core design goals of WoTLK. Easier access to game content - with choices of difficulty through layers. Facilitation of a more casual friendly dip in and out game play. I think it is fair to assume that the RDF feature would have been released earlier had the developers been confident they had a production ready implementation of it.

Having said all this - I agree with the OP on how to make an MMO fun. I think Vanilla was a vastly superior game to WoTLK for those reasons. But we are heading into WoTLKC - it’s a popular expansion in it’s own right and should have its day in the sun for those who prefer that style of game. It should be done authentically and respecting the community that played it and the design goals of the original devs.

I think there’s a strong case for an eventual release of the originally designed RDF (on the original timeline) and a defensible case for an earlier release of the feature.

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This has been my point this entire time. When they started Classic, I figured we’d get releases as close to the original versions as we could get. Then they’d go back around again and make changes.

But it’s clear that they’ve decided to take Wrath away from it’s original design ethos in order to cater to the group of players who insist on playing the game like it’s a part time job.