Making friends resolves most forum complaints

If you wanna DPS as a healer you should play retail, I hear thats a thing healers are expected to do now! :slight_smile:

yeah so retail lol

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Players have always expected healers to dps when no one needs a heal. They expected it in vanilla and they expected in classic vanilla. Even on the hardest dungeons I usually don’t have to heal constantly on the trash between bosses. So instead of doing nothing I dps. You do nothing or scream faster faster. You pretend to be some sort of elite player when in reality you don’t know how to play your class. Even in a boss fight I’ll often dps between heals, mana permitting. If you have 70% mana at the end of the boss fight you’re a lazy healer who is just looking to be carried.

When people say “All raids in classic are GDKP” its pretty telling that they only pug raids and dont guild raid.

No they didnt lmao. If your healer doesnt need to heal, it means youre not pulling big enough.

You’re either lying or you haven’t done many dungeons or you don’t know how to play a healing class. Every experienced player reading your posts knows that. No use pretending anymore.

lmao kkkkk. would love to hpal dps, or tree dps 100% a thing.

I have friends,

I have a guild.

They work sometimes, but not all the time.

IMagine that, other people’s schedules don’t revolve around you.

No I do not have any interest in “Making more friends” my social circle is large enough as it is. Eventually it gets to the point people want to do different things, that’s not a bad thing.

However basic gameplay things such as dungeons should always be easily accessible. There is zero reason why heroic dungeons should not be easily accessible, they are not end game content they never have been, never will be. They are farming content.

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No healer loves to do it. We just know that if we don’t want to be carried sometimes it’s a thing that we have to do when the group is over geared for the dungeon. It’s fine if you’re too lazy to dps when the group doesn’t need heals and you have full mana. You can do nothing. Healers are hard to come by and people put up with sht healers all the time.

By the time the group gets to the first boss I’ll have an rough idea of how much I’ll need to heal. If it’s an undergeared group or an low level group for the dungeon I might wait until someone needs a heal. Or with a more powerful group I’ll dot the boss and smite. Depending on how much I have to heal I’ll keep dots up and smite throughout the fight. If you don’t have any idea how much damage the group will take on the boss you’re a lousy healer who doesn’t pay attention. If you do nothing in the times between heals when you have plentiful mana you’re a lazy healer

When I’m bored as a healer, I either see if I can top DPS meters, or I’ll let the tank know they aren’t taking much damage and I’ll tell them I’m OK with them pulling more. I don’t ask or tell them to pull more because I’m bored. I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but I never figured the tank and DPS serve at my pleasure.

Okay. You can do all that easily without RDF!

RDF throws you into a group with random players. Complicated concept, I know /s

Yet another patronizing post shaming people for not wanting to the play the game the way you play it.

“go play retail if you don’t like it” isn’t a good argument. If anything it demonstrates lack of insight to other peoples experiences and under appreciates how diverse people can be.

It’s a sad world we live in when people are as dumb as you are.


Yeah…that’s what the R stands for - “random”. I think you are confused by what the F means. It means “Finder” not “Forced”. Blizzard has never forced anyone to queue for Random Dungeon Finder.

Such a melodramatic claim to make. “Blizzard FORCED me to run with these randoms who I choose to queue with”.

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Hey, I always offer a gratz. I might even do it for a hunter’s pet but that’s just me… Mr. Community.

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My friends and I always enjoyed queueing for dungeons and raids together.



Because if your opinions run counter to the forums, youre a troll and get a 3 day suspension.

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