
Nobody’s going to “fight back”. The discussion you may see in the forums will be between trolls. Casuals will just drop away and stop playing if the game is not fun.

Who is this “we”? You seem to be speaking as though you are a dev.

Actually, the message you guys are sending is, “You suck. You’re stupid. You can’t tell if you’re having fun, so we’ll just tell you that harsh restrictions are fun and you’ll be happy as a stupid clam.”

Nobody asked for harsh restrictions and punishments. No one will care that you consider forcing casuals to be even worse at a game they’re paying to play is morally the right thing to do. Your opinion will be irrelevant to the masses of all demographics.

Right now the pitch is pure hype. Most players out there aren’t understanding the restrictions that will be imposed on them. The fact that a few people in the forum want “meaningful choices” to be imposed on millions of casuals and don’t think there will be any fallout from it is just hilarious.

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I’ll give this a thumbs up, not because it would be my choice… but to see the sheer amount of tears would be glorious.

I know. I’m just saying I’m right! He’s a troll regardless!

Funny how the people in favor of this only want it out of maliciousness towards people who choose to play differently.

You are the target demographic. This is an expansion designed by control freaks for control freaks. If your pleasure comes from making others suffer, you’ll do fine.

I propose that the majority of subscribers want to play the game, not navigate arbitrary restrictions that would have them play worse in most content and sometimes not at all.

We shall see.

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I wouldn’t say maliciousness… it is just a video game after all.

… it is just a video game, right?

Jesus, you people are nuts.

The idea that you’re happy about other people’s fun getting killed sounds pretty bad.

Obviously it’s a game, but more people having fun and playing is good for the community and game as a whole.

I don’t care either way. But people shrieking on the forums about stuff that’s not that important amuses me.

They make the game for shareholders not players.


You are telling us…

…that you want to see people suffer. But you don’t want to be judged for this.

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You can judge me all you like for my pleasure at seeing people cry because they didn’t get their way in a video game.

If you change Covenant, you go directly to the Maw and you account is deleted.
You will receive an email, for the rest of your life, that tell you all about the tortures your character need to endure because you failed him.

Sure. Doing so in real life would have consequences. Even saying that would. But in a videogame… “No, mommy! Someone is judging me for openly declaring that I want to see people suffer! It’s so unfair!”

Exactly what the game needs, to just cancel millions of accounts.

What the eff are you talking about?

You need to go outside, mate. I think Social Distancing is getting to you.

Pure mawdness!

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I’m still trying to figure out why people think that covenants, as they are implemented now, are going to ruin the game. 95% of the game is going to be fundamentally unchanged from the previous expansion. Your going to be doing dungeons, raids, world content, grinding rep, and what not, just like you did in BFA. There’s a small twist that you get one additional ability and some rather underwhelming passives depending on what covenant you pick, most of which aren’t going to make or break your experience. With blizzard trying to reign in the things it finds overpowered and make changes to the ones that are unusable, I don’t see why this is something most people are going to be concerned about. For the people who want to min-max, there’s going to be the objectively best one and you’ll pick that. You’ll have your route pre-planned out for you already and the rest of us can just enjoy the game with the abilities we have. Your covenant choice isn’t going to stop 99% of people from accomplishing the content they want to do in game.

Perfect. Then there’s no reason they shouldn’t be freely swappable. Everyone wins.

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Because that wouldn’t make sense, duh? If a a covenant was easily swappable than it wouldn’t be a “Covenant”.

So it’s an RP issue, not a gameplay one now?

Then it doesn’t make sense for us to be stuck to one when we’re helping them all.

That aside, uncoupling the abilities from the RP stuff would also be a fair compromise then.


Right, but the idea is that we are binding ourselves to a faction. If you want to compromise and, lets say, have the ability to turn in the favors we do to other covenants and in return have access to there power for a period of time, then that would still make more sense.