
Just solidify your design philosophy WarcraftDevs: make the Covenant choice a permanent one for the duration of the expansion.


Seen you on all the covenant complain threads.

Do you have a single good reason why or do you just like to be a contrarian to popular opinion?


Right because when people voice concerns about your game, the best thing to do is double down.

After all it’s not about making a product people want, it’s about being right and making sure players do exactly what you want.

Almost as if that kind of design philosophy is why subs free fell post Cata. :clown_face:


Convinced at this point that this OP is a troll.


If you read any of what I said on those complaint threads, you’d be able to
your own question.

Crap like this is why triple A gaming corporations are going straight down a garbage heap, while Indie devs are on the rise.

They. Freaking. Listen.


Or maybe I’m someone who is as fervently against opening them as much as you are in favor of opening them up…it’s almost like people with genuine opinions exist.


I’d hope so, you’re a troll too! I would hope you can recognize your own kind. :smiley:

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Last I talked to you, you walked back on a lot of things you said.

Your covenant shouldn’t be any more permanent than your cellphone brand of choice.

It should give you reasons to stay, but if you want to move to another company you should be free to do so.

Remember: They are the ones who need your money / anima.


Then why are you still subbed if you’re so unhappy? Are you a masochist?

Maybe you should voice those opinions, Sweetheart.

You made the thread, not me.

How defensive. Put your reasoning out there.

If you just give out an opinion, and no evidence, facts, or suggestions, then it’s super easy to pull apart.

“Your opinion is bad”


I think they are great because it’s a small layer of depth that isn’t subject to being changed with the flavor-of-the-month swapping that almost every other portion of a characters load out goes through.

So you don’t want people to follow the crowd and obey the flavor of the month?

You realize that will happen anyways? Because that is a simple case of human nature and literally has nothing to do with the gameplay of world of warcraft?


Because I care about this game and I want it too be better. I’m not a defeatist.

Part of me holds some sliver of hope that people at Blizzard read and consider what we say, that they’re not all drones plugged into a damn wall to churn out content every two years.



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There’s literally no logical reason to be against choice. None.


It can be , but it won’t be because casuals will fight back somewhere mid to end of the expansion when the content is old and they do not have time to play 4 chars to go through 4 systems. Right now they do not care

So then no choice is meaningful? If every choice is just going to be the crowd following the top, then why have any choice in the game? Just let the top decide for everyone else right? Simple!

No, the choices do matter. Many people will choose what they want, others will choose what is best.

The point is that you allow people to do what they please. Get the covenant abilities they want, the out of combat abilities they want, and the soulbinds that they want.