
Actually, that doesn’t sound so bad. It would really force people to make hard decisions. Great for RP.

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Personally, I’d have had completing each covenants storyline unlock access to their abilites in a talent like system. Let people mix and match and actually have win/win options.

Like I’d take divine toll and fae foxy to go with my prot spec.

But I also think the RP argument doesn’t mesh with the 99% of people won’t be affected, because a lot of us don’t care about RP.


Your point assumes all players arein lock step though. Thats why almost anything on the forums can easily be torn apart. So many people representing the players or knowing what everyone wants.

Its all BS. There’s always gonna be that player that likes what you don’t and vice versa.

So my point is who is right? In all these BLABBER BLAH BLIZZ NEEDS TO DO THIS OR THAT posts…what about the players that are thinking “no really im ok with how this or that is…”

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Your opinion doesnt matter though. Its wrong.

I think it’s a trap to not care about RP. The fantasy of the game is essential to most player’s experience whether they think about it or not. bad/boring story writing is the number one reason why I couldn’t give a damn about most other MMOs who’s story feels silly and meaningless. I don’t imagine this is the same for everyone, but I believe it matters more than people realize.

It doesn’t seem like blizzard is going for the Champion of the Shadowlands character for this expansion, but instead your the Champion of your faction. As a result, we’ve gotten a story/experience that reflects that. I personally am grateful for this change of pace. However, at this point, blizzard would have to rip up a lot of the story writing/systems they’ve already implemented in game and start from scratch or accept that their story decisions are ultimately pointless and leave people with an experience that seems plain, generic, and rather broken to accommodate those who think they can only be satisfied with everything.

Lol God people have such bad ideas. You know there’s a reason they made spec swapping easy right? You know there’s a reason they made azerite swapping easier right? You know why they didn’t restrict essence swapping right?

Player choice is a good thing. Restricting so they never get to play or try new things is a terrible terrible idea. If I want to rp with the guildies under one covenant regardless of abilities that screws me on content that I want to do. If I want to pvp and pick a PvP covenant, now my pve buddies have to carry me everywhere? PvP and pve are so drastically different that the powers will be nowhere near useful in both types of content. This why they seperated PvP talents and went with “gear is gear” bull plop.

Lock covenants. Remove any power gains from covenants completely. Make it a lore and cosmetics choice. Let people use whatever powers they need for the situation they’re in. Player choice is a good thing.

I would like to make Uther my permanent companion and combat buddy! What if they allowed you to have an outdoor Heroic Companion much like in past expansions where you could have a bodyguard, but this is a Heroic companion based off your permanent choice. This would also open up new quests and hidden locations in the world for you to find. And they could be very valuable in the Maw as well, and you could do Torghast with your favorite companion :open_mouth:

And yet a ton of people hate the idea of tying the RP to the Power, because the higher priority is gameplay for us.

“Gameplay” is a term that means more than what you are intending to. For me gameplay also includes the RP. I might not spend my time rolling around rp servers, but the story and the experience of my character participating in it is important. My experience of the game is the “gameplay”.

From what I see, is people who care more about how well they will perform rather than anything to do with the story. I still believe that people care about the story even if you decided it isn’t as important as “gameplay”.

I’m not saying your choice is wrong, but if you don’t care about RP, there will be a covenant that will perform best for the content that you want to do and you can just pick that.

Generally speaking, all classes have one that is best for damage/healing/tanking and so it should be an easy choice.

C’mon now. You obviously know what I meant.

Yes and we want it uncoupled from abilities/power. Let the story be the story.

People do more than 1 thing, which is why they’re asking for easy changes.

Always speak for yourself please.
Thank you.

I like the concept and the feeling behind picking a covenant but I know full well that making it permanent is the really wrong way to go about it. More so than freely allowing people to change covenants for every single raid boss, m+ run, and arena match. The way we have now (with maybe at most 2-6 hours which will no doubt come in some later patch), is the best approach.

I love how everyone on this forum is a professional game designer.

Says the non-game designer.

There’s no reason to defend it. Blizzard just wants to waste our play time and make LFG more restrictive for random players. Quit being a shill for a AAA game company that isn’t even designing this game for you anymore. They don’t deserve your devotion.


It’s not blizzards fault their the only company capable of making a decent MMO. If you’ve been paying any attention at all, you’d know that they’ve cut massive time wasting mechanics from the game such as rep and AP farming, which have gated power at multiple points in this last expansion. Why do you think their trying to waste our time anymore than they used to? If anything they’re doing a better job this expansion then last.

If saying my honest opinion makes me a shill, then so be it. Just because everybody is having a nervous breakdown over a few mechanics that mean almost nothing in the long run and actually add some variety to a system that has gone stale as a result of 2 expansions in a row that were almost identical in feel.

Do it. Make it more meaningful.

Given how it’s being handled, there’s absolutely no way they could make it permanent. It’d cause immense backlash.

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Even though I started this thread. I had a change of heart (a while ago) and now want to


More here on why I changed.

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