
Trying to defend a system that is supposed to be the redemption for the RPG part of WoW by mocking the very definition of RPG.

Simply briliant.


Oh I think RPG is a loaded term that has all sorts of meanings to all sorts of people. To me, an rpg just means that there is progressive functional choices to be made. Actual roleplaying ā€¦ like D&D type stuff, is completely alien to me. Iā€™ve never played dress up, with my character or my personality.

Of course. It doesnā€™t have a clear definition. But you are mocking what the abbreviation itself means. Role-playing game.

I am very much on the same boat as you when it comes to the literal role-playing thing, but I can at least unserstand it and accept that itā€™s what other people can enjoy without feeling the need to ridicule it. And thatā€™s why I am against abilities being tied to covenants in their current state, because it also limits that RP potential on top of other issues.

What your idea of RPG is, is completely irrelevant.

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Itā€™s a big wide world, when someone starts telling me that their character has preferences, and refers to them as real people. I donā€™t feel itā€™s mocking to have a few questions to ascertain just what iā€™m dealing with.

I think there are varying levels here. While no doubt there are people who might have entire books worth of backstory for their favorite character, there are also plenty who just want their character to look the part for its role. Warriors or paladins using stormwind guard armor, death knights who use icy weapons, rogues with masks could all be examples of this. Its just another way to immerse oneself in the game. Regardless I donā€™t think its any less of a valid way to the play the game.

Is it so strange that people want their character to fit a chosen role in a role playing game?

So you are doubling down to make a choice which in its current iteration is flawed and having more concerns going forward because it is tied to player power to be permanent is not going to work out at all and even though they tried to make it easily swappable if its not the same covenant its still aint it as your set back in progression its still not working out how Blizzard want it to be to say this to you.

If the choice is permanent and it has no player power tied to it than we would be fine and Shadowlands is saved.

Have a downvote, friend.


Some of us like to balance between whatā€™s fun and workable, and whatā€™s optimal.

In my instance, I donā€™t play Fire. Iā€™ve wanted to like Fire, but Iā€™ve never been good at Fire, and all attempts to play Fire look foolish. So I stopped trying to play Fire.

Fire is currently the ā€œtop metaā€ spec. Yet I do not play it because of the reasons described above. Am I ā€œholding my team backā€ or ā€œbeing a burdenā€ or some such? I donā€™t think I am, even though some would argue otherwise. Because while I choose to play Frost in group PvE settings, that doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t look at a site like Icy Veins, nor does it mean I canā€™t go sit at a dummy for an hour and try to perfect my rotation. In that sense Iā€™m optimizing my choices, even if my choices arenā€™t 100% optimal.

Whatā€™s the point of playing if you canā€™t have fun and make your own choices?

It will be the same deal with covenants. I plan on choosing Night Fae for this mage. I havenā€™t researched them very much, and I canā€™t tell you for sure if Night Fae is the ā€œmetaā€ choice for a mage. I just like the aesthetic and plan on choosing that covenant because it means something to me personally. But that doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t go over my options there and try to play a night fae mage to the best of my ability. Thatā€™s what I plan to do.


agreed 100% ignore the others they are just whiners and complainers they are always like this.

Even better, you only get your most played character, the rest are deleted and you only get one character per account. :+1:

I dont agree with being able to switch them on the fly any time a
player wants to do so. But there has to be a way to fix ignorant
choices. That is one thing I hated other MMORPGs for.
You make a choice not knowing what you are doing. Then find
out later that you screwed up big time. The only way to fix it is
to start another character.

yeah ill be waiting here to watch everyone come crying cause they made it permanent choice then nerf x convenant and m+/raid wont take them because the covenant they chose is now dogcrud and not meta

Only if you choose to view things inside the box in that way.

People talk about meaningful choices which can mean one of two things -

1 - they are meaningful so far as character development and play systems are concerned; or
2 - they are meaningful in regards to the story.

If your understanding is point 1, I have to ask why? Why pigeonhole characters in this way? What benefit do people get from having their choices limited? Why is it a good thing for the game? And I highlight that because itā€™s an important point. If you tell me you think it is good for the game from a player-activity/playstyle and systems point of view, I need to understand how, because Iā€™m dookered if I can see it.

If its point 2, then you are just seeing a completely different game to me. Nothing that appears out of nowhere in the gameā€™s story and probably vanishes shortly thereafter is meaningful. The wars fought in Azeroth and elsewhere over the last 10,000 years of the gameā€™s history are meaningful. The history of the creation and development of the races is meaningful. As it is, Covenants are a grain of sand on the beach of this gameā€™s story.

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Even Scryer / Aldor had a switch mechanic. you are a troll in every sense of the word sir.

Itā€™d be terrible, but also somewhat fun. But iā€™d hate to level four demon hunters

Says the actual troll


Small layer right.

This is what bothers me about Blizzard.

The Covenants need US, not the other way around. We should be able to freely swap between them, because they would be grateful to get help from the Maw Walker no matter what.

They act like theyā€™re competing factions too, but they rule over a different part of the Shadowlands, so they arenā€™t.

Well, am I really wrong then? Iā€™m still right. OP is a troll.

Nah, I was pointing out that your toon is an actual Troll as a joke.