We already got an encrypted Alpha Build so very soon I would think. Definitely this Month(of course we seem to be getting it a bit later than BfA’s Alpha which was closer to the beginning of February unlike Shadowlands Alpha).
i say tyrande.
Elune and Tyrande death cinematic
Nathanos and Sylvanas redemption
Immense amounts of trash writing that will make us nostalgic for the days when the war of thorns was the biggest pile of crap we ever saw.
I expect the first thing we’ll see from the alpha… is popular youtube streamers making clickbait titles about the alpha.
I wonder if blizzard has forgotten about him. After all, he appeared in a Knakk novel.
Duh Duh Duh!!!
I wouldn’t be surprised considering they forgot Yenniku.
I’m hoping Bastion, Maldraxxas and Ardenweald turn out to have some seriously interesting storylines.
Revendreth probably got the most positive attention because it looks pretty unique. To the surprise of no one I was drooling over the vampy Gothic architecture while quietly being a touch resentful the Forsaken never got spoopy carriages pulled by spoopy horses. It’d have worked well with their habit of spot welding eerie lanterns to everything.
It looks totally new and different and that’s why I think it seemed to get the most attention. We’ll see though.
I had a moment early on in Nazmir looking at Troll ruins where I wondered if I wasn’t looking at what the artists who made Stranglethorn were picturing but couldn’t yet manifest.
So I’m hoping those zones give me that feeling. That “Oh okay [earlier zone] was just a taste the artists are playing with real firepower now”.
I also hope all the zones are geographically weird. To date my favorite expansion area was Outland. It was so visuslly distinct from anything else and I’ll never forget the first time I saw Nagrand’s floating mountains. With SL Blizz is again unrestrained by the rules of Azeroth and I hope they go wild with it.
i was going to write a long post and then realized that i don’t have the faith or investment that i once had. so expect nothing really.
maybe is just me but this covenant thing feels… boring… and like. …why we should even care again?
why should i care about azeroth if the murderers are still free and acting like they are innocent? this is their fault. they should fix it. not our problem.
I predict is release date for alpha will be pushed back till early April.
So the blizzard can used the drama of Fallout 76 wastelanders release to covered up the disappoint of shadowlands.
Ya know after SL I’d like it if they cooled it on the expansions and just focused on gradually updating what they already have. Maybe I’m in the minority but I really liked how 8.3 just made use of really cool old areas we otherwise would have no reason to go to.
Do more stuff like that and use it as an excuse to update zones unstuck in time. Silverpine for example still portrays a pitched battle between Forsaken and Worgen fighting over two now destroyed cities. Put something there that updates the story. And keep doing that until everything’s caught up. Seriously why does BB still look like it was hit by a tidal wave yesterday? This stuff just breaks your immersion and makes the world feel like a mess.
It’s literally coming next week
I predict I will feel growing bitterness and disappointment as things that I do not like continue to happen.
Would patting my head make you feel better?
Hmm, I expect Bastion will have something off with it leaving it unfulfilling to me.
Ardenweald will fumble the ball on the Night Elves, Tyrande, and Elune bit in a fashion similiar to how the Night Warrior stuff did. I don’t get the feeling they understand the Nelves and their fans anymore. They will try something but it won’t work as planned.
Revendreth and Kael’thas will likely work out. As with Illidan they are going to do something about repairing the character.
Maldraxxus and Draka and Necrolords will likely end up as a solid zone that doesn’t excite me personally ahead of time and will likely be the zone I try to avoid.
Lirath appeared as an… apparation or something in the Windrunner webcomic leading up to BfA.
And I’m pretty sure Bolvar will be on our butts to collect Anima or whatever. Following in Khadgar and Magni’s footsteps as character acting way more familiar with my toon than they should be.
Khadgar was present for the WoD intro so they’ve met at least. But I only discovered Magni wasn’t still King of Ironforge when I turned up to kill him and fought his goth daughter instead. Very odd he talks to my dude like they’re old pals.
God I hope Bolvar will be a little more hands off in Shadowlands. The hero with ties with to the Alliance saving the world has gotten old.
Maybe Bolvar will be for the Alliance and Vol’jin for the Horde.
Naw he’s definitely going to be neutral, leading the Ebon Blade in the Shadowlands.
I don’t want a ‘world character’ at all, tbh, even if it was different between factions. Split that story up between several characters.