This is them bouncing back to Legion style of storytelling where every player does every zone.
They clearly see Alliance players playing the Alliance content and ignoring the Horde content as well as Horde players playing the Horde content and ignoring the Alliance content as one of the core issues with the players receiving BFA badly.
They tried an achievement with mount rewards in BFA to counter this. I assume it didn’t work to their satisfaction cause now they are simply removing the choice to ignore the other faction’s content.
But at least the trolls didn’t spend the entire last expansion undergoing dangerous rituals for the express purpose of getting better at killing you, that you now have to save them from the consequences of. That just seems to push the Tyrande thing over the top.
The bungling of the Night Elf narrative continues.
Hmm, I expect Bastion will have something off with it leaving it unfulfilling to me. Ardenweald will fumble the ball on the Night Elves, Tyrande, and Elune bit in a fashion similiar to how the Night Warrior stuff did. I don’t get the feeling they understand the Nelves and their fans anymore. They will try something but it won’t work as planned. Revendreth and Kael’thas will likely work out. As with Illidan they are going to do something about repairing the character. Maldraxxus and Draka and …
It isn’t like this was hard to foresee.