Make your Alpha predictions

you are asking too much to a small indie company.
they need to save the budget!

to make more sadfang in shadowlands, probably.


Maybe then the 4 Horsemen will get in on the action.

Could put each one of them in one of the 4 leveling zones leading contingents of the Ebon Blade with Bolvar being the focus for stuff related to the maw.


If they so that, they should send Nazgrim to Bastion and have Taylor show up there to meet up with him again.


I feel like Nazgrim would fit in better in Maldraxxus. Hell it’s probably where he went the first time.

Actually it’d be kinda funny to see one of the Horsemen show up at an afterlife, and they’re like “oh welcome back I see you’re a death knight now” and there are all like “wut”.


Though, despite the aesthetics, Nazgrim was more about service to people and Whitemane was more about unrelentingly standing against outside evils (perceived or otherwise), so strangely enough, Nazgrim could have ended up in Bastion and Whitemane in Maldraxxus, which would have been fittingly ironic for Whitemane.

I have to disagree on Nazgrim. Nazgrim was about loyalty to the cause, but the Kyrian Covenant was about becoming greater. I don’t think Nazgrim had those lofty goals of being bigger than he was, he was always Nazgrim, a warrior of the Horde.

Not to forget, protecting the Shadowlands is the Necrolords’ job, not the Kyrians. The Kyrians are about transporting and protecting souls, the Necrolords are about defending the Shadowlands themselves.

I don’t think it’s about aesthetics, I think Nazgrim is definitely more alinged to Maldraxxus over the kyrians.

you know what? I like these talks. Talking about what covenant fits who better.

It’s something new to talk about, and more interesting than retreating the same thing over and over again.

I just wish we had more covenants to talk about.


So you never did any of the stuff with Magni during Legion? O.o

You can do the legion pre-patch quest chains by talking to an NPC in Legion Dalaran in the violet citadel if you didn’t do them prior.

Nah I came midway into Legion. By the time I got Bene here up to 120 Argus was already opened. I did not figure out how Emissary quests worked until BFA so I just accept none of the original 4 allied races will be playable and I’ll never fly in the Broken Isles.

Shame too heard the Forsaken lead a defense at Hillsbrad with Helcular which does sound fun.

I always found Helcular’s alliance with the forsaken weird. I mean he was KT’s student and was a member of the cult of the dammed. He was killed just before completing a ritual to turn himself into a lich. So why he would join scourge defectors like the forsaken after he was raised into undeath never made sense to me.

I suspect that I will be a lot less bothered by Shadowlands since the factions sound like they will be pretty much left behind except for some faction characters who will likely turn up. It sounds like the majority of quests will be neutral too so I don’t see horde players getting stuck in the bad guy role again though they might end up feeling a bit like hangers on again like they did in Legion.


I mostly looked over here to see if I posted init before. For my own posterity. I don’t think I did. But now that I read the OP


Bastion is also where souls that have lived a life of service are sent. What the Kyrians do to them once they get there might be something different than what aspects of them lead to them being sent there.

Hence Whitemane and her previously fanatical devotion to fight against what she perceived as encroaching outside taint.

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I’m not disagreeing on Whitemane, Maldraxxus is likely her destination… assuming there isn’t another afterlife for insane priests.

Bastian also accepts noble souls, and I don’t think Nazgrim saw himself that way.

While he was loyal and duty bound, he didn’t believe he was doing the right thing in the end, he was only doing his duty. Kyrians strike me as greater than that, Uther for example stood against Arthas where’s Nazgrim would’ve followed him.

Honestly the more I read about Maldraxxus, the less I understand why Draka of all people was sent there. She’s a warrior, sure, but Maldraxxus seems more than just being about warriors. I feel like she is too… good for it, I guess?

I agree on Draka. It is a weird choice.

For Nazgrim, it was still in service for the Horde:

    What we do now, we do for the Horde, both of us.

    It is an honor to finally face you in combat. Lok’tar Ogar, for Honor, and for the Horde!

Kyrians I don’t think are particularly greater than that, given their Foresworn problem, and that Sylvanas probably ended up there when she first died.

bastion isnt about accepting noble souls, its about accepting souls who valued duty, which Nazgrim perfectly fits

Those who have lived a life of service are drawn to Bastion to assumed the highest duty of all — carrying the souls to the [Shadowlands]. Amongst Bastion’s gleaming spires and sweeping vistas await challenges to test the mettle of the steadfast [kyrians]

He’s an odd character as he was initially less a character and more something you threw at the Alliance.

I figured any sensible sapient undead would just join the Forsaken though. Hell why sign up to be the Lich Kings minion? In the Forsaken he gets to hang out in Southshore empowering Dark Rangers with his rod all day. Sounds better than Icecrown.

Hell there at least were some Leper Gnomes in the Forsaken which I was hoping would become an allied race. They’re not technically undead but, eh, close enough. It’s like the one faction where youre not going to get weird looks if your jaw falls off.

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Alpha predictions?

On September 19, 1999, Moonbase Alpha will have a series of nuclear explosions which will blow the Moon out of Earth’s orbit.

Kel’Thuzad was serving the Lich King because he was forced into it as shown by Road to Damnation. Him going to protect Arthas after being cut off from the Lich King is unsurprising since he hates the Legion more than Ner’zhul since they created him.

Both Kel’Thuzad and Anub’arak hate the Lich King and would like nothing more than to be free of him. Kel’Thuzad’s apprentice doing what Kel’Thuzad failed to do is unsurprising!

Bastion accepting those duty bound souls sounds way too general the more you think about it. Crazed zealots are fanatically loyal to their duties and crazy, so all the old god cultists should be there too. Or do they not count because they are mentally warped? There’s still a lot of very evil people who serve their cause.

I feel like it’s the supposed to be the more noble souls, but even that is very much opened to interpretation, since Uther exiled Tirion for upholding a honorbound vow to protect a noble ‘enemy.’

doesnt matter cause they lose themselves, they cease to exist the moment they come a kyrain