Because many people already do have tier pieces, and as a general result do more damage than those without.
While this usually wouldn’t be a problem, the fact that player power is locked and timegated behind a purely RNG luck mechanic, makes it one. It’s simply bad game design.
I’m gonna be honest it feels awful to have to wait until the 23rd for 4set when there’s clearly a lot of people who have it and you’re competing with them for groups.
Good thing M+ gear is soooo OP. All those people that are 399 ilvl with 0 pieces of tier.
It doesn’t matter if I started the game today or started 18 years ago. Bad game design is bad game design. Regarding PvP gearing specifically, this was one of the issues that was supposed to be fixed moving on from Shadowlands.
If you started in Vanilla, you would know how much gear you are drowning in.
If you started pre- vault, you would know that this is just another of many chances you have at gear,=.
If you started back in Mists, you would know that RNG could be WAY WAY worse with Warforged to worry about too.
If you started in cata, you would just be glad you didn’t have to reforge your entire set and check out another site to even know if the item you got is even an upgrade.
You have it good. Damn good actually. Anyone who actually played this game longer than a day knows just how much better it is now than how it used to be. Because it used to be, if your tier did not drop from a raid boss you killed that week, sucks for you. There would be a real possibility you could go a whole raid tier and not have your tier set. And here you are complaining after 3 week…
So because other systems were worse in comparison, we cannot improve this one? We must ignore all problems with all things if there is a case where someone had it worse? Do you see how ridiculous this sounds?
oh for sure, my biggest issue is that its to selective to find groups… if your not in a pre-made from the forums or guild its REALLY hard to get into any group period because of the amount of people relying on raiderio scores and sets to carry them.
i have been rejected because i didn’t have any of my set there for awhile… yes i understand they help with dps but they should be required for groups… honestly the M+ community has always had the highest restrictions over any end-game content.
Unfortunately I kind of think it’s “justified” because of the number of applicants to a key. If you put up a desirable key you can get hundreds of dps applying. It’s hard for a random person to just take less for no solid reason. You absolutely don’t need them to complete the content, but when you have 100 dps signing up what is the incentive to not take the most op available?
its justified to say the person is clearly undergeared (low ilvl) or a low number asking for a unresonable high key then i get it.
the issue is if a person has lets say 1k rating and is looking for a 10 and is 390 ilvl it shouldn’t be pulling teeth to get in to a run. and it is. it some times takes a good bit of time to (up to an hour) before someone finally accepts you. the community has stupid standards.
yes i know there are OP stuff. and its always “better” to take them but i have carried more dps that have better ilvl or score to many times. thats why i dislike like the current way our community does LFG
This comes down to the ratio of dps to tanks and healers.
If there are 20-30 dps applying per healer and tank then no amount of tier or gear is going to let in more than 3 dps.
Making friends is the best way, but a large portion of the community would rather apply over and over to keys instead of tossing out a few btag invites in the course of pugging and create a friend network.
It’s stunning to me that some people can pug hundreds of keys and never make a friend.
Or maybe the convenience of pugging (always available) is just more important to them?
the issue with the friends is that most people think of M+ the same a normal dungeon run, get in and get out. A lot of people are also very anti-social in pugs because they don’t care to know others outside their already known friends and guild mates
It sounds ridiculous because it is both a false Dichotomy A **false dilemma**, also referred to as **false dichotomy** or **false binary**, is an [informal fallacy based on a premise that erroneously limits what options are available.
and a Straw man.
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
It’s week 3 of a 2 year expansion… When you do get tier (because you will) you will not only stop complaining, you will forget about this entire “issue” . Because it isn’t actually a real issue. You just salty you see some folks winning tier and you didn’t get it fast enough.
Yeah I don’t understand the argument of “it’s not as good as it used to be”. Sure, Fury Warrior tier is horrendously bad, but when an already “underperforming” spec like Ele has their 2 piece read “your #1 damaging ability in AoE does 25% more damage” you take all the help you can get.
Shadow/Aff are in the same boat except their spender that gets buffed makes up an even larger % of their damage. Aff’s 4pc buffs SoC by FORTY PERCENT and the ability makes up more than half their damage profile on larger trash packs.