Make tier available to the people who have been getting unlucky in vaults and raid already

Tier dps and hps increase is substantial enough, that people are getting declined in +16s because they don’t have tier yet. It’s at this point people are starting alts as well for gearing and not having access to tier is areal dampener on swapping.


None of my pugs have gone out of their way to only invite players with tier. You are more likely being declined because of your score than anything else.


As a healer at almost 2600, I don’t really get declined to keys. Seeing people who post keys in the 20s for dps to have tier sucks.


Making people wait for the tier catchup system is one of the worst decisions they’ve made this expansion IMO.


It’s clear to me the idea is to drag out the gearing process in an attempt to keep people subbed for longer. Gotta keep people on the treadmill.


This has been repeated about a thousand times by now, but the Creation Catalyst should be opened sooner.

It’s odd (though probably not unprecedented) that the developers said they didn’t like the 6 week delay in Zereth Mortis and then repeated again for Vault of the Incarnates.

I understand needing a delay to prevent folks from having a 4 piece before the raid is even cleared, but 6 weeks is still just too long.


Or they just quit the game, because they can’t engage with the current gearing progression.


I love that they tried the catalyst and the unanimous community reply was:

“This was awesome and fixed gearing, please give us more than just 1 charge on week 1 though”

And Blizz said:
“What if we give you none of it until everyone already quits the game because of a trash dungeon set?”

And now we’re hea.


I feel like I just read heard my little niece complaining because she didnt win at UNO again at the family Christmas get together…


considering you dont get tier from M+ other than from a vault reward, i see no reason to open it any earlier. if it was already open id have tier gear on 6 diff chars already and only one of them has run Vaults. everyone just wants endgame done so damn quickly now.

or is everyone just in a rush to get that KSM or raid clear before their subs run out and they swap to another game again


It’s having the opposite effect.

If you can’t participate in the content that you intend to play in because your RNG sucks…I don’t see many people sticking around.


I love when people doing 20s provide legit criticism that was already voiced during Beta but ignored by Blizzard…

And people doing single-digit keys jump to tell them they’re wrong.

Thank god we have a community council for this kind of thing right? Oh wait…they’re all busy doing pet battles…


6 weeks is too long??? :joy: :rofl: :joy:

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By the way OP, can you teach an orc how to HPriest like you? 'cause gotdamn your logs are spicy. I wanna be you someday.

Except this has actual implications on progression during the most important time of the patch for many players.


What you get when you only pick yes-man for your Community Council. Not sure who they “represent” but it isn’t me.


I think that being this far into the tier, it’s fine asking for a system that helps people swap to playing alts easier and finish out their mains gear. Whats wrong with wanting to run around in tier, regardless of ilvl?


The people running single-digit keys think that people quit when they “get tier” - when in reality, the urge to upgrade that tier to higher ilvls and its necessity still exist. It’s quite the opposite – at this point, we need tier to compete at the end game.


If you were in the raid on day 1 and began clearing, and you play for 6 weeks and still aren’t getting your tier set - then yes, it is absolutely too long to wait 6 weeks for the alternate method.

It doesn’t matter to me personally so much. I’m not likely to clear anything other than LFR and don’t really care if I get my tier set. But it seems like a huge inconvenience to people who need it.

6 weeks is nothing in the span of things, look we are coming up on that pretty soon anyway. if you look at alot of the raid guilds they loot counciled tier set drops and then that solved probs of people not having tier gear and if you only pug then thats on you, find a guild that can clear easily.

its easy enough to gear as it is without having tier set conversions so early on in a new expansion. i get having it for later Seasons of Dragonflight, what happens when / if they disable when a new raid comes out?

6 weeks is too much for a season that is going to last us up until late spring?? You are out of it, its either give it to people now and let them clear everything and unsub or gate it and let the people that want to play play and the ones that are just too much of a participation trophy kid to quit. Think blizz is choosing the second option this go around.

(edited for being off on my seasons)