Make tier available to the people who have been getting unlucky in vaults and raid already

The system isn’t the problem. It’s much better than it has ever been. Players expectations are the problem. It’s just ludicrous that players are butt hurt because that they don’t have tier sets after ONLY three weeks.

ii cant remember the last time ive been able to get a teir set from raids, the loot system and rng is so piss poor these days a new raid will be out and everyone will have moved on.

I manged to time my +18 today. I didn’t check people for tier. I didn’t care. They just played like pros and that’s all that mattered.

Uh, no. PvP character power being locked behind RNG gear mechanics is the exact problem we have been trying to get rid of since Shadowlands.

I was very outspoken when I got a 2h weapon in the vault after the first week of Shadowlands season 1. I had a 226 ilvl weapon while most people were stuck with a 171 ilvl honor weapon. It was so unfair it was absolutely laughable, as I was basically a god. It was as absolutely stupid then, as tier being gated behind RNG is stupid now.

If you got your tier already, congrats. Some people already have 3 pieces and will finish the 4 piece next week. Others will have no bonus at all and be even further behind.

Bad game design is bad game design. PvP character power, particularly in a rated environment, should not have this.

Unlike SL S3, you can get tier in the Vault, even from doing M+. The main problem is that, for many people, a single tier piece is irrelevant on its own and it’s hard to justify taking tier if your other options include say a weapon or a strong trinket when said tier piece doesn’t enable a set bonus.

You can, in theory, have a full mythic tier set before the catalyst opens.

The fact still remains is its barely been a month and people are crying. Its part of the game to search for the gear… grinding M+ all day, raiding… quit crying. It took me 4 weeks before i even won my first piece (got lucky and got 2 in that night).

It does suck if you get screwed repeatedly on it but seriously this isn’t a new issue. its been around since tiers have been dropping SINGLE and watching all the other classes drop but yours. then having to fight several others if it does… just stop

It was announced as a feature to the expansion, is OP misinformed?

It comes out on January 17th 23rd.

The point of the delay is to give raid gear a leg up over M+ gear. M+ gear isn’t locked the community has a short memory but back in shadowlands a big complaint was that raiding was severely underpowered compared to M+. Their response was the domination shards, this was taken badly by the community. In the past Tier was the exclusive reward for Raiding, they made it available for everyone which was a good move IMO but they rightly pointed out that you still need a unique reward from raiding which was early access to tier.

I get that you guys want to be completely decked out as fast as possible but that has NEVER been the case in any MMO ever and for very good reason. Relax, wait a few weeks, if people are asking for Tier to do an M+ those people would have asked for something else just as crazy if we did not have tier because people want to be carried all the time.

False. It comes out Jan. 23

Says Jan 23rd on that link

the date on the link was updated then, it was earlier set to 17th

Here is your argument

It does actually.

** If you started in Vanilla, you would know how much gear you are drowning in.*
** If you started pre- vault, you would know that this is just another of many chances you have at gear,=.*
** If you started back in Mists, you would know that RNG could be WAY WAY worse with Warforged to worry about too.*
** If you started in cata, you would just be glad you didn’t have to reforge your entire set and check out another site to even know if the item you got is even an upgrade.*

You have it good. Damn good actually. Anyone who actually played this game longer than a day knows just how much better it is now than how it used to be. Because it used to be, if your tier did not drop from a raid boss you killed that week, sucks for you. There would be a real possibility you could go a whole raid tier and not have your tier set. And here you are complaining after 3 week…

You are literally stating that this system is better than older systems, and you don’t know how good you have it. My argument is that your examples are completely meaningless and ignorant of the problems and you are stirring up nostalgia of old systems to hide the problems of the new one. I dont frankly care how bad old systems are. It holds no relevance.

Other systems took longer! Ok? Am I supposed to care or?

I have no problem with the grind. Its why I like uncapped valor as well. Grinding should be deterministic with the chance of having luck. What I do have a problem with is that you can’t grind for tier all day long. You do lfr and than normal and if you’re lucky and have a raiding guild you can than do heroic or mythic but no matter how many difficulties you do you are capped in under a days worth of grinding and than have to wait 6 more days for another chance.

On normal in the last week I have had 3 runs (on separate characters) where I was not even able to need on a piece of gear (not just tier but any gear at all.) Meanwhile we’ve seen people win 2 pieces of the same tier piece in LFR and a guy in normal won his entire 4 piece in one run. Thats expletive design. It doesn’t make me want to come back and try harder or attempt it again. If anything I can clearly see its a carrot on a stick and I get irritated with it being dangled in front of me.

There needs to be a balance between deterministic loot and RNG and I don’t think this is anywhere near the right balance.

But than I’m hard stuck on +14 with no way to get anything else but the weekly vault and hoping against hope that maybe some tier might drop.

They could have made it so that you need to farm primal infusions to turn in for a tier piece. Make it high like 10 (that would be 100 +11 M+ runs to get a heroic tier piece.) At least than I’d feel like I’m making progress and earned it instead of having to wait to be gifted a pity prize.

And the same could be said of valor. Uncap it. There are already break points to limit your upgrades than make each ilvl upgrade cost more and make it so that the higher the key you run the more valor you get (this prevents the +2 farming.) This way you can get lucky or if not you get to work on your characters progression at your own pace.

Its furstrating for sure. I watched our Demon Hunters or other Locks take all the warlock pieces for 3 weeks before I even got 1 piece and i needed up with 2 in one run… it happens its been that way for YEARS before personal loot but everyone thinks its new… its just an older way of loot that people “forgot” about. We are getting catalyst on 23rd so its not like people have to wait to long

RNG on what drops is just part of the game… you can say its bad all you want but its the game. This isn’t D3 or similar games that rain loot down on everyone.

uncapping valor would just be healthy. Right now you can run a M+ any number of times and get gear from that run depending on the timer. That means you can run RLP’s 100 times in one day if you want a certain piece from that dungeon. If valor was uncapped you won’t push keeps to get better gear you would run M+2-M+5 to get gear you need then run them all the time because their easy for easy valor. You won’t only push each dungeon once a week then for the pts of doing so and attempting something harder for that push. you won’t do it constantly. capping valor makes people push the keys. you also say make higher keys should drop more valor to stop farming but it wouldn’t… they would then farm like 10’s instead… their easy to farm and can be done in a decent time. they wouldn’t push the keys for more valor no matter what you think. The capping also prevents people from jumping to M20’s (example) week 1 week 2 and then going into mythic raiding and sleeping through it… its designed to allow the raid to stay challenging through the season until the end when most people will have mythic+ gear because they don’t do mythic raiding.

It hasn’t always been. We’ve had valor and its equivalent since BC and at the best of times its uncapped and almost everyone is happy (its when I always see people comming back to guilds and M+ listing extend 3+ pages.) It keeps going back and forth and I think that more than anything is what is leading to frustration.

The game as it is right now today I hate. I have little incentive to do anything other than the min for the vault and than wait for Tues. There is no sense of progression as with my skill I am stuck at the +15 mark. (I could get good but with my skill thats not happening.)

Tier would be amazing and could help get me past it but yeah I have to wait until the gates open to have it given to me instead of being able to earn it. I hate that feeling I don’t want pity gear I want a currency I can grind out and get it in x amount of time if I don’t get lucky.

But its not just about tier but the ilvl system as a whole. M+ is a horrible way to get upgrades right now, I’d be better off raid logging and to be honest its what I’d do if I could find a guild with a tank spot open (and I hate raiding.)

I’ve been thinking a lot over the last week about just taking a year long break (or longer.) Its obvious that what I enjoy is not the same thing that those who create the game do and instead of getting stressed out by countless wipes and not being able to advance outside of a one upgrade per week window.

Besides the game just has way to much :poop:. The amount of over lapping mechanics and things that are vying for attention are insane. In the first pack of NO you have to grab aggro ,run out of the pound, try to interrupt, clear you rthundering, make sure not to cleave melee, watch for the pat to be able to grab aggro if someone butt pulls, and be able to do your rotation (make sure ignore pain is higher than 50% but less than 100%.) The average person can only hold 7 pieces of information at a time yet we are expected to master this or fail hard.To be able to keep up with friends I’m going to have to start snorting ritalin or coke.

Ugh I’m just an old man who realized the world moved on and now its time to start looking for something more my pace.

Again, how good or bad old game design was is completely irrelevant.

I’ve now cleared the raid on normal and heroic with all LFR kills except rasz week 1 heroic. Still don’t have 4 piece. Out of a 30 man raid, only 4-5 of us are still waiting sitting at a huge deficit of player power. Then, on the flip side of the coin someone came to our normal clear last night and got 5 set in a single run. This system sucks, and just because it was bad before doesn’t excuse it now.

We already have the solution in the game: creation catalyst. Open it sooner. The levels of stupidity you have to wade through when you get unlucky in this system is absolutely brain dead.

This system desperately needs bad luck protection, and its insane to me that this change wasn’t made given how much blizzard has been listening lately.

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I think people need to stop DEMANDING them make the game easier. Its week 4 of raiding. Like seriously. Everyone is wanting everything NOW NOW NOW and its getting old.

We have vault for FREE gear. 3 pieces of gear you won’t get other wise. we have M+ that has a 5% chance to get you and upgradable tier piece for each slot. They are bringing back catalyst already.

I didn’t get any tier piece until this week and you don’t see me crying a river on here. ITs the game… grow up… again its barely been a month since the raid released and you want hand outs

I really wander if anyone would have survived any previous expansion back in the day when some times you didn’t get gear for months because there was nothing to do but attempt to pug a raid group

Please spare me your boomer back in my day takes lol. I literally played the game during this times and I have the capacity to recognize that they are not comparable situations. The game is different stop trying to pretend it isnt.

This is not handouts. This is bad luck protection. The system has a serious black eye for RNG and catching people up who just get unlucky.

… you know in previous expansions you got 2-4pc of tier from doing heroic dungeons via badges and valor right…?

I think tbc was the only exception I admit i didn’t go back for classic and my memory is hazy.

first off, i’m not a boomer which is very rude thing to say.