Make tier available to the people who have been getting unlucky in vaults and raid already

In Wrath it took emblems of frost to buy tier, which cost 60-90 depending on the slot and if you didn’t raid you got a max of 2 per day.

So 1-1.5 months of doing a daily heroic every day per piece for non raiders.

We could bring that back if people want instead of the catalyst?

It is. They have tried to fix it. They can’t. Too many players want vanilla/ tbc style. Others want legion. All they can do is yoyo back and forth.

There was also naxx that was just as easy. Im pointing out his fabled past never existed in the first place.

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Even though I got my 2set and 4set just this week, the wait is far too long. At least with Group Loot it is easier to organize and distribute tier tokens, but waiting a month and a half before the catalyst becomes available is beyond ridiculous. Blizzard could limit it to one charge a week so at maximum players wait only a month for their 4set.

While we’re at it, just give me BIS because I play a lot and should have it already, amirite?! :joy: :clown_face:

I don’t really get this mentality. If ilv is respected what is the issue with the forge?

They no longer make children read “if you give a mouse a cookie.”

So its the fourth week of raiding and only 4-5 people in my entire raid group are still trying to complete sets. What do you have against giving the worst luck some help to prevent toxic and demoralizing bs thats out of your control? Do you enjoy seeing people just lesser because of rng? Is that a fun experience to you?

Do you understand the concept of ilvl? I actually doubt you do

again, its week 4 of the raid… you have 26 of 30 people geared in full sets (86% of your raid)… again your crying because you happen to be one of them rather than one with a full set. I know this because its happening in my raid group as well… only people crying on the forums about RNG are the people not getting what the want when they want it. but please continue attacking me because i’m not indulging your whinning.

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Were pushing in to mythic and I’m sitting players based on tier sets that in some cases would boost their dps 8-13%. Could you offer to message these players for me why they are now missing out on mythic prog because of rng and how they should just suck it up and accept rng out of their control? Maybe you can add in how back in vanilla we didnt get free purples like this and they should be happy paying a monthly sub to be excluded from raid groups?

If ONLY there was a way to create or catalyze tier pieces so 4-5 players of bad rng wouldn’t be at an 8-13% dps deficit. This would actually require you to think and acknowledge the problem instead of burying your head in the sand though.

Its YOUR choice to sit people due to sets not RNG or blizzard… idk why you also refuse to acknowledge the fact its only week 4… gear don’t grow on trees or rains from the sky… you I would gladly tell them that their RL is a rude toxic man who decides that for them…

before this week i was beating a ton of dps out on fights without sets… i know players who where pushing mythic without the sets as well…
its 100% on you if you “require” sets for mythic… do they help yes but their not MANDINTORY for the raid…

edit: your also forgetting to mention that you can only have 20m in mythic so you are sitting people anyways if you raid with 30 for normal/heroic… great job on math

What you fail to understand is that tier sets are not rarities in the game anymore. They are quite common. Having them is the gearing floor not the gearing completion point. Despite being the gearing floor, many people int he game go months without completing them. In the mythic raiding community, not having a 4set right now is devastating. Guilds are pushing in to mythic bosses with dps checks, and simply being at -10% at no fault of your own is bad game design. We have a dead line to meet in order to achieve our goals, and we cannot be inefficient in killing bosses.

With blizzards current design for distributing tier loot, it is inevitable that a number of players will simply be on the outs looking in at no fault of their own with no recourse almost 1.5 months in to the season. If you cannot understand why this is a problem, then there is no point arguing. You simply cannot grasp the reason at this point why this is a problem.

Who would you sit if everyone had their 4p?

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you are only arguing because you think your way is the only way to do the raid.

Sets aren’t mandatory… if your behind on dps maybe you might want to look at what mechanics your failing, what dps are underpreforming due to lack of skill/talent build, or if the RL needs to do to redo the strategy that your using…

there’s plenty of factors that happen in raiding and blaming RNG isn’t it. at the same time you clearly have to cut anyways for mythic if you are running 30m normal/heroic so you have to do it anyway and if i remember math 26/30 have the sets so your still sitting up to 6 people with them… your argument holds zero value at this point.

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You choose comp based on fight profile, player skill, and player prep. Tier sets can supersede this list. That is the problem. Someone can run 150 keys, be 410 ilvl and walk in to a fight their class excels at. Then their tier is worth 13% dps and its an achilles heel. Kinda feels awful pouring your effort in and being a mile behind still.

Yeah this opinion is completely ignorant of reality. Theres no point in responding.

4 piece can be 10%+ for overall, i want what you’re having.

Yes the set can be a nice dps bonus. never said it wasn’t. But its not mandatory to do the content. People put to much “value” in sets.

The worst part is starting late and being declined because people have better options. Why take the 365 Priest when there’s a 380 Paladin willing to heal the same Mythic+?