Make sure gdkps are bannable moving forward

This is so true. Good thing the classic progression servers will solve this

No you could limit gold trading inside instances and afterward (1 hour debuff for account wide gold trades) and made items bound upon leaving the instance. Trust Issues would kill it then.

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I’d be fine with GDKP is there wasn’t gold buying.
Problem is that GDKP incentivises people to buy gold because of the ridiculous buy-in and amount that you’re expected to bid.

Banning the buyers solves the problem for the most part.

I don’t think there would be GDKP if gold buyers were getting banned though.

lol are you really bragging that you’re great playing an MMORPG? This isn’t Starcraft Broodwar.

… and this is what many GDKP Persons don’t understand, ppl don’t necessary dislike GDKP - they dislike what it does to servers and the game.

My other gripe with GDKP is that it incentivizes solo play. Even though what an MMORPG has changed over the years, my take on an MMORPG Is a social game - more the better. In my opinion, guilds should be the center piece of gear progression or character progression.

Agree on this - it is esp. tempting in classic due to 40 man raids to pick a GDKP and whale buy the items so you don’t have to compete with 40 other players.

You know, Blizzard is probably listening to your concerns but their only listening to one vote you don’t really think about. Your wallet. You complain about a broken system, and yet you keep playing. Bots have been around since day one, they aren’t going anywhere, yeah you may complain, you may voice your concern but at the end of the day you’re still playing wow.

But also, black markets exist in the real world too, this isn’t anything new, and if it wasn’t profitable then people wouldn’t do it. When you click play, when you put your credit card in, or by that game card, you’re agreeing with the system.

So after 19 years, good luck all.

Who cares? It’s about the integrity of the game. Items being earned in game should mean something.

If you still have questions google “integrity” and take a look in the mirror.

if I was a wrath player I’d have left the second they added the WoW token to wrath.
If they ever add the Token to Era I’m gone for good.


i meant the gdkp wouldn’t be as popular as you think…

concluding… not worrying about stopping gdkp but gold farming and selling…

Not raiding in general

You could never enforce it

i disagree. mega/streamer servers are the only way to go imo. having a huge population is big for me. it also cuts down alot on bots believe it or not since there always so filled. gold buying is everywhere not just on these realms, dont make it seem like thats the case.

GDKPs are toxic to the game. Make them against ToS and the demand for illicit gold will go down.

Push them underground where they belong.

It’s like people saying “oh make every drug legal it’s personal freedom” ot “it doesnt affect you” while cities fill up with drug addicts and crime. Then they wonder why the whole city goes to hell.

Buying gold is against the ToS. Hows blizzard doing enforcing that? This would be even harder.

That was good advice.

Every time you see someone advertising a GDKP, call them out.


If every player who hates bots makes a macro like that and presses it whenever someone advertises a gdkp, it will make a dent.

We get it. You like to buy gold and buy gear with that gold.

it makes sense u would think that. alot of people nowadays like to take the easy way out and cheat u must be one of the weak mental ones

At least I’m not broke.