Make sure gdkps are bannable moving forward

Enjoy getting silenced on a regular basis.

No I just use actual logic in my posts. Remove GDKPs and botters will still be all over the place.

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Such a goofy take. Not a single person here has said botting would be gone without gdkp. Of course botting would stick around for other minor things.

The problem is it affecting every aspect of end game. Oh sweet i just got 3k gold in a gdkp. Clearly bought gold, good thing i didnt buy it so no ban for me! Thats the issue lil bro

… so you agree banning botters would be a better solution…
I really don’t understand what you guys are going on about, how the hell are you expecting blizzard to stop GDKP’s better than they handle bots.
You get rid of the bots, you fix gdkps. You get rid of gdkps, you still have tons of bots. Think…

You can’t talk reason to people who support GDKPs. Even the 1% who don’t buy gold don’t realize the harm it does to the entire game.

The fact private servers ban GDKPs, but Blizzard won’t is pretty sad. But it is a bit of a moot pint since they could never enforce it anyway. Well, they could. But they won’t. Just like they don’t make a serious attempt to rid the game of bots.

They want this stuff in the game. They want the Zoomer gamer playerbase who thrive off RMTs and GDKPs. They want…well, people like the one defending this nonsense.


All buyers and sellers and bots…permaban them all 1st offense.

Also, gdkp helps feed the gold selling machine in wow…They’d be fine if the gold was earned legit but that’s never the case anymore.

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I don’t do GDKPs because I don’t need to do them. I raid with a guild and get lots of nice gear. Stop being bad at the game and crying that others are better than you.

Is it because ^>certain people<^ have implemented a system that makes it illegal for medicinal connoisseurs to find gainful employment thanks to things like ‘drug tests’? Is it because modern society is basically used as a giant prison population for use in mass medical experimentation programs that we’re not allowed to know about?

I’m curious what your perspective on that situation is, as I would welcome some fresh insight to a topic that is almost as ambiguously complex as it is dark and grim.

I live in a country where drug dealers and drug addicts are dealt with like the poisoners and murderers they are. And surprise surprise the major cities are safe and orderly. Although there are other reasons why the cities are superior as well but I don’t want to be banned.

Sounds like you’re a fascist. I hope you rot

Love to give racist dog whistles on an MMO forum

I don’t like GDKPs but don’t see how you can actually enforce them as they can simply be arranged out of the game.

The main issue is the Gold Buying that’s rapidly inflating the economy and making buying anything off the AH harder every day.

I enjoy clean public transport and cities where people don’t have to step over fentanyl addicts or worry about their car windows.

But what do we have to look forward to if not the new and exciting smells on the train?

I mean, I guess if you ignore the non consensual medical experimentation on the ‘‘free citizens’’, then sure, it’s pretty nice I guess? THat’s more of my main concern- you could eradicate drug usage, but subjecting people from womb to tomb to be used as ‘human gueinea pigs’, is still kind of a big problem to me. And then there’s the whole hot topic about *'Why are millions of patients being treated for symptomless/self-somatic diseases that they would have otherwise never known they allgedly had,to then be put on various mediciations and neverending tests, despite the fact that often times these otherwise ‘healthy people’ begin to exhibit side effects that are strikingly similar to that of common poisons, but are told that’s just their disease progressing. A disease that’s so dangerous, the only way they know they have it is by ordering some expensively fancy lab tests.
I haven’t been keeping up with the news in a while, what ever happened to that whole ‘Theranos’ fiasco btw?

Ah, yes, as long as the poor are out of your sight, everything’s fine

They aren’t there because they are poor. The surge in homelessness is 95% due to opiates and fentanyl. The Sackler family would have been executed in the country I live in had they done what they did here.

America is a shthole full of people who have been too rich for too long, and have squandered their birthright. The only way to clean it up is to go after addicts and dealers with the proper prejudice. They are worse than murderers because of what hard drugs do to a person. They don’t just kill them, they kill their soul as well.

Gold selling in wow is not much different. They eased up on the punishment for buying gold and decreased their security from warden, and look what happened. The player culture has been degraded and bots are destroying the servers.

Why the hell does blizzard even allow random people from other countries to continue making accounts over and over again? Implement real ID for accounts and the problem would go away rather quickly.

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Jesus, take a history/sociology class. You sound so insanely stupid rn

Another racist dogwhistle.

Good job dehumanizing anyone that struggles with a disease. You’re a horrible person

Yea, “good” people like you result in places like San Francisco. How’s that working out.


Outside of how this essentially causes actual raid pugs to stop existing, there’s the fact that it massively damages the economy of the server over time as RMT gold gets spread across the playerbase through them. If a large portion of players have thousands and thousands of gold, then prices for consumables and BoEs get priced knowing that. Then people not participating in GDKPs end up unable to play the game due to lack of gold.

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