Make sure gdkps are bannable moving forward

I’d love to play Legion again. :heart_eyes:

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These people sure do love to defend gold sellers…

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legion was pretty good apart from the ap grind and completely random legendaries. i’d play it again too

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Because if they had the hunters wouldn’t have had to split the 30g items between themselves. One would’ve ended up with both

I don’t either. I joined with 8g. I just have good DPS so I get invited when people check logs

I loved all the lore and quests with the Artifact weapons. I really liked the Class Halls too.

People are checking logs for level 25 content? :rofl:


Don’t worry GDKP, RMT, bots and hackers will ruin SoD like it did blizzards other servers and people will go back to none blizzard servers that has banned RMT, GDKPs, botting and hacking and those servers economies won’t be screwed.

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This is an odd take considering that you don’t have to do a GDKP. You can form your own raid or join a guild and raid and there are MS/OS raids. GDKP is NOT and nor has it ever been a requirement to raid. Y’all just make up stuff because you’re bad at the game and broke.


please ban Gdkp
It’s just botted gold.

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I stopped conversing with them.

People like to buy gold. People like to buy gear with that gold. And GDKPs fuel gold buying. That’s all there is to it.


GDKPs takes overs server causes RMT and ruins the servers economy and the people who sets up the runs sale their cut after a while when it adds up to a certain amount and then they sale the gold

yup or find ways to make even more painful for them to even try doing GDKPs cause its actually insane that not even a week and we got GDKP runs for BFD :rofl:

They do NOT stop you from raiding in a guild, forming your own raid, or pugs who do MS/OS. Stop being bad at the game and blaming others for your failures.

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“I didn’t read anything you wrote and just want to be mad.” - you probably

I don’t like GDKP, why would I push back against things affecting it? Banned or not, I am unaffected by them.

banning this sort of playstyle will literally keep the game alive, and cut down on bots

edit: yesterday i got into a argument with a rogue and a warrior that had all blue boes and 1 epic. i understand the epic from professions but when talking about the blues they said just dont be a broke boy. could be trolling but if not this is the state we are at and its sad.


And this is why I report everyone who gdkps and advertises gdkps.

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You people who like to help gold sellers with their RMT sure like to throw this around a lot…

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My classic guild ran GDKP’s. I never bought gold but relied on my cut to afford consumes. The guys we were taking along were 100% gold buying mofos and the amount of gold they were willing to shell out was obscene. They should ban GDKP, but I’d also ask that they make raiding less expensive (flasks, elixirs, and good food will kill your bank account.)

GDKP’s are not healthy for the game.

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They could make end game less expensive like some none blizzard servers did but they won’t like reduce repair resources spawn in more palaces ECT.