Make Preach a game thats like overwatch with raids

Given that definition, everything in the universe is dying. It’s the second law of thermodynamics.

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If it was only you playing this game then yes. But others do so this idea is really a silly baseless subjective opinion that is being pushed around as fact by you, preach and the lot.

The same as all other Tracers.

Just to confirm, you are saying there aren’t already ways to differentiate our characters?

Meaning, I’m not a Warlock and you’re not a Demon Hunter? We’re actually… the same??

Meaning that there are other ways… and not just covenants but that some people consider covenants are something to differentiate themselves as well. The covenant part of your statement is what I was referring too as it is the example used by others too…

They are something else to differentiate themselves.

Just like Aldo and Scryers, yet they didn’t need to have game breaking abilities to do so.

I never said they weren’t a way to do so. I said they weren’t the only way which is how many people are acting when they go on their baseless “I WANT MEANINGFUL CHOICE” tirades as if there aren’t already many meaningful choices in this RPG. Permanent due to imbalance is not the kind of meaning anyone should strive for.

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That’s fine but that’s kind of just your opinion in a vast endless well of opinions. All we are doing is invalidating one over the other. One isn’t more right over another, you simply like one avenue of character identity over another. No shame in that.

No, it is not an opinion.

There are literally layers and layers of systems in the game - objectively - to make your character unique.

I understand that some disagree with his message. In his last video he made it sound like he doesn’t want power gains outside of raiding. His take was that playing the top end requires access to every power gain in the game, and grinding out that content is seen as a ‘tax’ and it isn’t why they got in the game.

I don’t agree with that take. This is an MMO and it caters to many different types of players. There needs to be meaningful reward for playing the type of content a player chooses to play.

That all said, I don’t think he was literally disagreeing with there being power gains outside of raids. He was saying making power gains consumable adds an unnecessary grind. That is a message I can get behind. Earning the power gain once feels like an accomplishment. Having to do it multiple times is frustrating.

I don’t buy the ‘meaningful choices’ argument. Being able to cater and change your build is a hallmark of WoW. Locking people into a choice on a player they have played 100s of hours on is a recipe for rage and frustration, especially when it contradicts the general design of the game (people are used to being able to respec). A majority of the player base doesn’t want that in this type of game.

This. Exactly this right here. If you think you’re going to make a bad choice, good. Life is like that: you make good choices, you make bad choices - even if you were properly informed.

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What’s this delusion that there aren’t already choices in the game?

If you wanna be a dominant AoE player in a single target fight, you can do that. Don’t blame others because you don’t have the wherewithall to do it without being forced.

We already have spec balance determining who is strong in AoE/ST/PvP etc situations. That isn’t going to change because of covenants. It’s just going to compound onto each other.

You guys want a choice you make OUTSIDE of the games content to carry the majority of the results for the choices you make INSIDE the content. Who needs to choose the proper rotations, specs, builds, etc when you can just lolcovenant your way around. This is absolutely less player agency.


There are no consequential choices in the game for you. Everything is already solved. The puzzle’s done - just go do what everyone else does in order to enjoy the game’s content:

Roll a BM Hunter/Fire Mage/Outlaw Rogue/Prot Warrior/Holy Pali/ [insert top parsing class here]. Find a BiS list and acquire the items; sim you character as you go; /combatlog and upload to warcraftlogs, paste the link to the log on wowanalyzer; read the things you need to do better in the rotation from wowanalyzer; increase your RaiderIO score; do 2s and 3s.

Do that for a few months and then you’ll be like the rest of the BM Hunter/Fire Mage/Outlaw Rogue/Prot Warrior/Holy Pali/[insert top parsing class here] - you may not be #1 on RaiderIO, but at least you’re not playing the game like a n00b and picking feral druid (re: toxic community narrative) and trying to figure this out on your own.

Yeah that sounds like total player agency right there.

How does this change anything? Adding permanency to the choice means that players will gravitate even more to the meta since they won’t have the ability to change their mind later. It actually restricts choice since most players won’t pick the covenant they want to play, or a skill that sounds cool, because they don’t want to limit their character. Instead, they are going to head over to icy or some other site to figure out the “right” choice.

I am all for meaningful choice. Allow us to decide the fate of a zone, a character, a relationship, etc. But the decision on whether I get a blue lightning bolt or a whirlwind kick isn’t a meaningful choice. It isn’t a choice that is going to give most players a sense their choices are having an impact. It is simply going to provide another excuse for a grind that the majority won’t find fun.


Maybe there needs to be a mythically mythic mode where gear and talents are set for you based on boss encounter, you get no gear, and it’s never nerfed after the first group kills it. It’s just for show.

Obviously this is a horrible idea, but hey.

The opinion , is , even if you tell yourself other wise , is that countless people have different things that they feel affects their character to make them unique. If you can’t understand that and still think one is less valid than another then there is nothing to discuss here.

How is that even remotely what I said?

You literally told people that there are other avenues to make your character unique but this way is one of them.

Making those choices is not forced on you. You’re acting like there’s a gun to your head because SOMEBODY ELSE wants to play the game that way. Get a backbone and stop worrying about how others play the game.


And you turned that into me saying one is less valid than another?

I have no idea how you can think that when I am saying that all of those other avenues that aren’t covenants are extremely valid in a counter argument to people saying we HAVE TO HAVE COVENANTS otherwise the game is Overwatch.

I’m not making a counter argument to anyone except you. You told me one thing, that is what it came off as, and I replied. That’s how discussions work.