Make Preach a game thats like overwatch with raids

Probably why the last time I remember decent balance in both pvp and pve was WoD…


I actually don’t see a problem with that. For years this game actually was basically like that everyone’s tracer was the same except for the gear they earned. Sure there were talents but most people selected the same talents because blizzard didn’t make them equal.

MoP was like this and it was one of the best expansions.

People should actually stop and think if what Ion is mocking is really a bad thing.

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So this is gonna be the new “I’m a chimp who just repeats Ion’s words” thing, eh?

  • Meaningful choices
  • Muh RPG
  • Overwatch
  • “Degenerate”

Am I missing anything?


This is the same logic used in cancel culture, lmao. It’s okay to be wrong about something you said 7 years ago.


How is that wrong, WoW is dying - just a long slow death which has been picking up speed lately.


Isn’t Overwatch 2 essentially just adding PvE boss fights?

You people defending Ion and blizzard have no clue. No argument and no basis in fact for your opinions. The covenant system IS busted in its current forms. Stop enabling blizzard to ruin the game like they did with BfA.


So how is it bad for anyone except the hardcore raider. One of the basic elements of rpg’s is choice and living with said choice within concept of the game not raiding. If your guild is truly a high end raiding then by all means require it otf your guild. When I starrred playing MM hunter was the spec I was told I
Had to be. I liked BM hunter so that’s what I played and I didn’t bring detriment to any group I was with

BARF Demon Huntard…

All the hero worship in this thread and the discussion of what Ion/Preach REALLY meant reminds me of religious debates.

Because playing a beast master hunter requires more skill…

How bad is it that you get 4 new class abilities and can only use one without a significant grind?

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Both are two different clowns in the same circus. Neither have any touch of reality for WoW.

You mean the one where they threatened harm on his children because of an opinion on LFR?

Jesus you’re a sicko…

It is to me…and Preach apparently.

The RPG aspect of wow to me is my race, class, transmog, etc.

The raiding aspect has always been everyone playing the same specs and talents…now we just have random procs that outweigh our own actions, and some “meaningful choice” about whether we want to play the covenant we identify with and like lore wise, or just the one with the biggest deeps, because we ALL know there will be one.

Anyways…speak for yourself about what is or isn’t a RPG. I’m with preach here.


What are you talking about?

when people have to be this hyperbolic AND make things up, you know they dont have an actual argument.

thank you for proving preach right! removing player power from covenants hurts no one.

and honestly if you are so casual or bad at ALL games to not understand that the top game dev and a high end power player we talking about meta, IDK what to tell you because it was PAINFULLY obvious.

Preach’s stance is the opposite of player agency. Agency means the ability to make the wrong choice. Otherwise your choices are meaningless.

Preach wants all choices to be exactly the same. There’s no agency there. You don’t weigh the consequences of choosing one over the other, because there are none.

If everything is exactly the same, then you’re not really being offered a choice.

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Good thing everything wouldn’t have to be the exact same if people didn’t want it to be. With the locked system, people will still all pick the same choices they just won’t be allowed to experiment with those wrong choices.

This concept that covenants are the determining factor on whether or not things are gonna be “exactly the same” is absurd. There are so many ways of differentiating your characterd outsideof them. You guys are making up all these theories that sound ok in your heads but will play out terribly if they go live


On a genre the absolutely thrives on clickbait drama. Plus many people on YouTube probably gets threatened daily.

He’s already been caught cheating he might have possibly even got one of his friends or guildies to do it. Because shortly after the vid, the forums were flooded with how casuals are the worst people out there. When all he had to do waa have a mod do their job on his stream.

Nice personal attack btw.