Make Preach a game thats like overwatch with raids

I’d actually say quite the opposite: you’re the one who is squealing like there is gun held to your head because you have to make a choice. Choices in life come with rewards and consequences. Why should the game be any different?

I’m not the one complaining about choice, I’m complaining have no choice when it comes to character load-out in order to be ‘optimal’.

You really do want everyone to be the same - nice Thdlock template by the way. Couldn’t figure out another way to get the same numbers so you had to copy someone else? How original. I bet that took some time thinking over the many choices you had to make.

I make choices every single day that do not come with permanent consequences. What world do you live in? We’ve played this game for 10-15 years, made plenty of choices that don’t have permanent consequence.

I’m complaining have no choice when it comes to character load-out in order to be ‘optimal’.

Wrong. You do still have the choice. You CHOOSE to follow the meta because you want to if you CHOOSE to be optimal. No one forces you to do so.

Thdlock template? Wtf does that even mean?

Stat weights are still going to exist. Talents are still going to exist. Covenants are not going to remove the absolute fact that you will have a best stat, a best talent, and a best spec.


You are a perfect example of what’s wrong with this game’s community and how your monomaniacal obsessions are what has killed any sense of soul this game used to have. The sort of person who uses the enchant-alchemy-restoration loop in Skyrim because “it’s optimal” and then complains that the game is too easy and all the other talents and ways to play “don’t matter.” You’re so toxically obsessed with numbers, using this game as a medium for you to prove something.

You want a social stratum based around performance? There are a plethora of game genres out there that cater to those sentiments. Your attitude is distinctly inapropos to how RPGs work.

Want to know what’s killed this game? The sort of changes made to appease players like you.

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If this game doesn’t require skill, why aren’t you farming M N’zoth weekly?


Wrong, this is community driven because we, by nature are social creatures; everyone likes being part of a group.

This game is designed around stories told through quests, dungeons, raids and provide most of the best rewards for playing the game. You need groups for this. Thankfully, they’ve implemented a rogue-like in SL so people don’t feel as pressured to be like everyone else in order to fit in. However, raids and dungeons will still exist, and so there will still be some group-think but it won’t be as bad.

Actually the only meaningful choice I really remember making in this game is when I made this priest. The Benediction quest was fun because it played into the identity of being a priest - close behind it was choosing Light’s Wrath over the other two first. Just a few times, not several.

Nope. And you know why? Because you don’t know the content that will be released in the future. There may be some fights that are better suited for Kyrian, but everyone chose Venthyr in the group, and vice versa.

You just don’t know the future of the content and how the Covenants will interact in that content - you don’t have a crystal ball.

Form your own group with your own standards then. Should fill fast if you think there are so many of you worth designing this game to suit

You know they aren’t completely reinventing WoW, right? They’re essentially just adding an ability. That’s the extent of impact it has on gameplay. One ability you get to choose.

We don’t need a crystal ball to know that yes, there are still going to be best builds. There is still going to be min/maxing. And since the community isn’t changing, there will still be gatekeeping preventing you from playing with me - and now there’s another filter in Covenants.

Then you must not play much.

Basically, you want the game to be as solo as possible and then you do dabble into the “MMO” side you want it to be you hoping the covenant you chose will result in you getting carried by people that actually know how to play the game.

You’ll get bored and probably stop playing very quickly when you realize none of that is going to happen.

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its ok. they willl farm mythic castle nmathria weekly cuz of covenants /end sarcasm

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And the thing is, I don’t really “push” in this game anymore. I would say I’m casual. I raid with my guild and friends. If a choice I made a long the way holds them back, I step out. They’ll tell me to come back in when they got it. I play the game more like someone like Ralph and even I can see the wrong move in this. This does not only affect the top 1% or esport lovers.

Many in my guild like to min/max. They are by no means elitist and they’re not trying for world first. Many could hold there own with top guilds. They do though like to push themselves as far as possible. It’s how they enjoy the game. They will help people min/max. They will carry people through anything they are able to…

This move solves nothing. There will always be a meta. People who decide to choose based on RP will continue to be declined in the LFG for M-+s.

I see many people saying this game is an RPG and this move makes it more of an RPG. Well this may come as a surprise but some people’s RP fantasy is to be as powerful as they can be in Azeroth.

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Actually I like the game as is now - I just disagree with false narratives accepted by the community because of min-maxing and templating.

I chose priest - that was meaningful to me then, it’s meaningful to me now. It sucks right now, that choice I made almost 15 years ago, because shadow priests are a meme and I just don’t like the feel of discipline priests (even though I know they do well in all content) and I never liked holy. Still my choice for sure.

What is not my choice is being subjected to a narrative that alienates me from enjoying a sense of community and being given a chance to prove myself - you never know, you might be surprised. But that’s not how the community operates - people are rarely given chances to earn prove they’re a good player when a site says “X is this, therefore…”.

Until the advent of streaming, WFR, MDI, etc., people were never smarmy and smug about having the right group composition, talents, or otherwise. The most I could remember leaders being upset about was not having consumables. And you know what? We still killed Onyxia, Rag, Nefarian, Hakkar, etc. Was the group optimal? Hell no! We had a gnome warriors back then. Did anyone care then? Nope. Would they care now? Yep. Was it fun? Yes, more than anything in the game since Wrath.

The game was less difficult for sure, but the game is always made easier with better gear, regardless of skill. Most of the time, it’s the gear that’s holding you back, not skill. If your GCD refreshes faster than mine because you have more haste, and therefore you get to press a button sooner than I do, is that an issue of skill or gear? Gear.

You could argue skill got you the gear - and that is definitely true in arena - but in PVE, it’s more a combination of farming and RNG. You didn’t need skill to get the drop you just needed a bit of persistence and luck.

There are so many things that seem like they are the result of a profound choice in the game, but really there are only a handful, the rest are binary decisions.

Classes never worked out of the box. They always required stat break points, trinkets, or set bonuses to work correctly.

Your argument is “I have a more casual outlook on the game so everyone else should too!”

It is completely irrelevant to me what your GCD refreshes like. I do not care. Me and you are not in competition. I am not expecting you or asking you to have the same gear as me. I don’t care what your armory shows. Stop caring what mine shows.

There are a lot of casual players. You are not in a minority. Play with them.

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So basically Overwatch 2?

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Look we just are going to always disagree on this and that’s fine.
You think it’s fine that the community accepts some false narrative about X class/spec/Covenant. I think it’s unhealthy for the game. You think sameness is okay in the game, I think differentiation is healthier. You think “elitists” have all the right answers and “casuals” are incapable of having a valid answer.

It’s apparent that we’re not going to change our views on this - regardless of what goes live in SL.

I do Mythic+ as a Warlock with a Shadow Priest. I think it’s fine that the community has standards, but don’t act like that’s what is preventing you from playing the game.

As for “sameness,” go find someone with my exact armory. You misrepresent the reality of the game to suit your opinion. Nobody is identical in this game. There are so many things that separate people from each other. This assumption that covenants are going to somehow change than when there’s only 4 of them just makes no sense. There are already far more layers to unique characters than 4 as is.


Yeah, no. You’re deliberately missing the point so you can keep pretending to have an argument.

Things have gotten much worse for classes now that we need to rely on borrowed power to start feeling complete. And borrowed power is not the same thing as “stat break points, trinkets, or set bonuses”.

Respond to someone else. I’m tired of listening to you spout the latest buzz word from your favorite click bait streamer.

Nice response. Try again when you can respond to what I actually said.

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Google set bonus from previous tiers, hit/ exp caps, or item combinations. Read guides of what it was like before and after acquiring them. Because you clearly don’t remember how many empty globals we used to have.

I’ve been playing since the game launched. Try again.

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It is a character in overwatch.