Make Preach a game thats like overwatch with raids

I would play it, heck yeah.

I do find it funny how much difference there is in how in different competitive and/or difficult games people accept things being out of their control. For that matter in WoW too.

Like which Captain is up in Freehold. Ya you know which one it will be but it changes every week and there’s no control there. Same with paths in Waycrest.

Then there’s who gets targeted by what mechanic in raid fights.

But when it’s just 1 throughput ability which interacts very little with your kit and 1 utility (I do think Venthyr teleport should be replaced but I don’t think it’ll be too much of an issue outside of things like MDI) in the entirety of an xpac, people are terrified.

Hear hear!

You’re willfully taking the statement out of context and trying to wildly exaggerate the intent.

Nobody’s saying classes should be totally equal in all regards. People are saying that covenant A having such a wild impact on your class/spec compared to covenant B that you cannot choose covenant B for aesthetic reasons without notably gimping yourself is a problem.

People don’t mind choices; people do mind choices that directly harm them for making a choice that they’re explicitly offered by the game.

Like whether to gear for a specific spec or not? (Which is much easier and much more possible now), not getting a legendary that blows everyone else out of the water? There’s always been choices and/or things out of your control that greatly impacted what you could do in WoW.

Haven’t there commonly been pvp trinkets (flat stat or on use ones), and then the pvp essences that are BiS or really good for raiding and M+? I’m sure tons of people consider that not worth the small throughput increase to grind out pvp.

And we don’t know how impactful the covenant abilities are. (Soulbinds add almost negligible throughput) My guess would be lower than most things in the past like Azerite and certainly the old legendary and gearing systems.

I mean, we don’t have sub data, but it’s been hinted that subs have declined a lot since 2013. While the game might not be dead, it could be dying.

There are still people making rock-n-roll songs, but rock-n-roll has been dying for decades - it’s a slow decline as most of the people who like rock are aging.

Conduits, which i believe are covenant agnostic, are very powerful and my guess would be on par or nearly so with covenant abilities when put together.

Legendaries I think will be more powerful than the covenant abilities. We know how amazing they were in Legion.

So 1 extra cd for most classes won’t be as gamebreaking as previous systems not entirely within our control imo.

You are making my point for me. If I want to play a shaman, for gameplay or role play reasons, but shaman are garbage, I am “forced” to go lock or mage. Because they are better.

So, let’s get rid of the imbalance between classes. They’ve shown they can’t actually balance them, so the solution, like covenants, is to apparently remove them.

Because, after all, people don’t want choices to harm them…

Can’t believe I’m saying this but I actually agree with Ralph even if his attitude is weird sometimes lol. Nowadays if u don’t do the most dps possible in an always meta build, its like you killed someone’s cat and more. :cat: I like using wacky builds and I wanna be competitive. I’ve never used Full moon in Bfa, maybe its time. :slight_smile:


I disagree, he’s spinning it.

I think you misunderstand. In top tier raiding and M+ it’s highly likely that similar classes in the same and even different raid groups will farm similar items as a BIS selection. So yes, they likely are going to be mirror images of each other. When competitive sites like Raider IO and WoW Progress exist to rank players those who choose to climb those ladders will likely be hunting for the best gears, items, talents, abilities, etc. When people of that level are the same the only thing to differentiate them from one another is skill level; how were mechanics handled, did I follow my rotation correctly, or did I respond to a situation fast enough to push my limits in damage.

We’re not asking for cookie cutter classes.

What we’re asking for is customization and aesthetics to be differentiated from skills/abilities. I dont want to be playing my DK as a fairy prince because they have a better skill, I want to choose my faction to align with based on story, lore, and compatibility.

We’re asking for the abilities to be treated like Azerite Essences which were a huge success and largely accepted by the community as a whole. Our concern is how they could come up with a functional, preferential system, and then toss it away from something far worse than the system essences came about to replace. Azerite armor sucked. It was not alt friendly. Typically one found themselves with multiple pieces of similar armor to use various traits for different content; the idea of doing this with different characters instead of gear does not seem fun at all. Some of us prefer to differentiate the way we play content, which is available in other games with similar play styles.


A guild in the top 100 calling themselves not even hardcore. O.O I guess every guild that is not in the top 10 are just a bunch of scrubs.

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Preach wants to be able to easily switch covenants on the fly and I hate that as it makes choosing a covenant feel pointless and you then become expected to switch covenants for certain content.


Go level and get some achievement points.

Go achievement and get some level points.


That isn’t going to change.

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Probably because they spend too much time playing around with all these borrowed power systems instead of making sure our classes just work out of the box.

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Not at all. Preach specifically was arguing against procs which cause huge swings in your DPS, in current context an example he gave was Infinite Stars.

It doesn’t matter how good you are at the game, when your output is determined by procs like this, how well you do is entirely based on how much RNG likes you.

Visions of Perfection is the perfect example of this. If I get a single proc that overlaps with my Infernal opener, I’m basically guaranteed to do significantly more damage, because of how it interacts with Grimoire of Supremacy. If it procs even one second out of sync with GoSup, then it’s nowhere near as effective.

In Preach’s ideal design world, the difference between two similarly geared players running the same setup wouldn’t be “who got lucky with procs”, it’d be “who played better”.

Now templates are one way of doing that, but Preach never suggested that. The implication was more along the lines of if you have two extremely high level players, they’re naturally going to gravitate towards the best build anyway, so suggesting you build differently for an edge is a waste of time.

There was no point explaining such a nuance to Ion though, who obviously understood that aspect of competition.


Since when? No Seriously since when. When prior to shadowlands did you make a choice at max level that denied you significant player power and wasn’t changeable without a large grind. The closest time is early legion and a lot of people quit early legion because you could only play one spec and it sucked.