Make Preach a game thats like overwatch with raids

And the endgame is incredibly lacking and I found it to suck.

Agreed, Preach and crowd which seem to care only about competition and being “the best” should move to actually skill based games like rts, fps and mobas.

But something tells me they wont because they arent that skilled so if they are good in wow it offers them the delusion that they are skilled.

Woah that sounds extremely boring

Definitely not touching it now


How so you get 4 bosses per raid tier they are on average 10-14 min fights so like 3x as long as WoW fights.

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Like I said FFXIV is more of a skill based game not a RNG gear based game.


Oh yeah I can see FFXIV be a far more competitive game because of that, definitely far more competitive than wow.

But for me an rpg is great only when you drown me with choices with a ton of possibilities, like I love getting into a game and seeing many choices that I can play around with and make different builds and if I am not given that then no point playing.

And WoW has been having a pretty small amount of choices, covenants are a nice addition to allow for more builds.

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Preach never said any of that. Maybe watch the interview.


That feeling is not backed up by the sheer math of it. You’re likely represented by about half of the player base. LOTS of WoW players come to the game to level and see the story/experience the world. They level a lot of alts. They don’t tend to raid seriously. They don’t tend to M+ seriously. They just…log in, level up, and enjoy the game.

There’s nothing wrong with that.

But there’s ALSO nothing wrong with being someone who plays seriously and pushes into higher and higher content with a dedicated group of players. That doesn’t make them elitists, which is what these threads always boil down to.

You’re not alone, Ayaani, and there’s nothing wrong with your approach to the game or the ways in which you enjoy it.

I’ve done their endgame.

It’s boring as hell.

There are two poles on this with almost zero overlap. People a who fall into either camp are sometimes unable and sometimes unwilling to see it from the “other side”.

On the one hand, the design goal is have covenants be a part of your character’s identity, like a subclass. You don’t change your class from activity to activity, unless you already multi class, in which case this changes nothing. For this view, these are choices as meaningful as the class you’re playing or the armor type you wear. It’s tied to your characters definition, and not an ephemeral configuration to be changed when it suits you.

For those that view it as a possible extra later of configuration, it’s onerous and unwieldy. Not quite so much as being locked to a single class on a character, but the next best thing. It impedes being able to redo the loadout for that extra oomph you can get out a class for being on the cutting edge of content, or following the meta. This is especially jarring having just come out of BFA where the meta was so visible and indelible to the community that it was unheard of to NOT run a warrior tank and a Druid healer last season, or a monk this season and (soon) double or triple BM hunter. That scares people: what if I pick a covenant I like and suddenly I’m the affliction warlock of m+, or the sub rogue of raids? What if being the BM hunter of m+ means I’m the survival hunter of the raiding group - parsing orange and still 10th on the meter.

Personally, I’m willing to give blizzard a chance at it to see if they can pull off their design goal. I’ve been playing since the beginning of the beginning, but I’m not as jaded as some of you guys, even after all this time. I like the idea of having two rogues in different covenants and having them build and play differently to be optimal. I like the “subclass” idea, and I kind of hope they expand on it in future expansions, if this works out.

But I can see where the cynical viewpoint comes in. “Oh, it can’t be balanced, any impact means one will be the best”, etc., and that viewpoint is equally valid. What if you really like the aesthetic of Kyrian, but Necrolord sims 8% higher. If you’re in a CE guild, that 8% is going to be too enticing to turn down. And this is your MAIN, the guy you’ve played on for a decade or more and you’re too attached to just roll an alt to get the experience you want.

For example, I play a warrior tank, a Druid healer, a hunter ranger dps, and a DK melee, but I wanted to experience the aesthetic of Demon Hunter tanking, so I roll one, gear it, and play it as an alt. This is fine for me, but not fine for someone who is a one-main kind of player.

It’s like starting a new character and having to choose between the one you think is cool and the one wowhead says is currently the strongest. It doesn’t feel like there’s a right answer.


You mean that thing that most of us have been doing for 15 years now but in the last 2 expansions and now looking like 3 is having more and more complications for no reason what so ever?

As it should be imo. I’m so fed up with these borrowed/rental power systems plaguing WoW. I do like having talents but WoW should be more like FFXIV where the difference between 2 players of same class with the same gear is skill. The better skilled player will outperform the other, and that’s fine.

Ask most players if they want to lose most of the choices they can make in game. 99% will say hell no.

pre tbc wow had way less rng. other mmos like final fantasy have less rng.

why are rng and rigid covenant type stuff necessary for wow.

Asks for evidence, refuses to view evidence given :joy::joy::joy:


Illusion of choice isn’t choice. WoW can still be a RPG without these systems.

He did say he wants his character to be exactly like every other character of that class. OP is extrapolating what that means

I don’t think that’s what he said… from what I heard/understood, he said that the difference between two death knights that has the exact same gear should be how well they play. He said he and a DK on another server were competing with each other for fun to see who was better. I don’t see how that equals “all dk’s should be the same”.


I don’t think twitch or YouTube streamers should be dictating the design of the game. Why not read the forums here, Reddit, mmo-champ, wowhead, various class discords, etc. The players paint a pretty real picture of what they want and what they don’t.

As an example; priests have been complaining about voidform and insanity since its inception in legion. Giving them devouring plague is not fixing the issue. No one is disputing that shadow priests do fine damage. It’s the gameplay that is awful. The design in MoP and WoD were peak performance of fun engaging gameplay for shadow priests.

  1. His Youtube is demonetized and has been for a while now.

  2. Who cares about level boosting when blizzard sells you the same for $60.

  3. The amount of idiocy it took to create this bollocks argument is astounding.


Literally never happened. In fact he asked blizz to make an example out of him.