Make Preach a game thats like overwatch with raids

I don’t see anything worse about it. The classes are more fun now than they once were, who cares if we have to go through some secondary systems to get there.

Your class exists mainly to funnel azerite traits, essences, and corruptions. You might be having fun, but your class only makes up a fraction of what you’re doing.

Borrowed power needs to be dialed back significantly instead of being the main way we advance in an expansion.

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Is the argument that covenants are what make WoW an RPG? Never in the history of WoW was it an RPG prior to covenants? People like to parrot the phrase “RPG” and “Meaningful Choice” as if the current form of covenants is the only form in which these things can take.

It’s a bit unfair to compare the philosophy of optimization in a single player rpg to one where you have to group with others to be successful.

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As opposed to RPG elements, or meaningful choice?


You are wrong. you are among 90% of playerbase that feels the same, and play exactly for those reasons. :slight_smile:

Because one side of using facts and things that have happened and been observed and the other is making stuff up? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Couldn’t resist lol

Glass looking a little half empty there? Agency is being able to make decisions for yourself. Which with the current system you do once then not again for another 2 years. If they are swappable you make the decision a dozen times a play session.

One certainly shows more agency to me.

Huh? Where did he say he wants them to all be the same? He said he wants the option to choose them more often that once at the start of 2 years.

I play fantasy games to not be in real life for a while. If I wanted real life I wouldn’t log into a fantasy game I would walk outside.

A choice you don’t have to live with the consequences of isn’t a choice at all.

And if you don’t want to have the puzzle solved for you you probably shouldn’t

And you can solve it for yourself instead. Like when I learnt to solve a rubix cube. I wanted to do dot myself soni got as far as I could before looking up instructions. If you don’t want a puzzle solved for you stop looking up puzzle guides…

Because in real life I’m not an 8 foot tall female elf who can shape shift…

Always nice to see a good post like this pop up. Couldn’t agree more OP. People like Preach are doing their best to make this a soulless game. This needs to stop.

I have made choices more times than I can count that has either cost my team or saved them. A choice is a choice. What isn’t a choice is not being able to choose anything after the 1 choice a day or two into a 2 year expac. That is a distinct lack of choices compared to multiple times a day. That’s just basic maths.

Imagine if you couldn’t change essences ever. You put them on and that’s it. You still have them to this day. Man that would suck.

There are correct and incorrect choices. For sure.

Thematically, its completely incorrect for me to be an dwarf rogue binding myself to Ardenweald. It just is, okay! Me and elune arent on speaking terms. She wants all this nature and lives in the moon, i live in a mine deep in the earth. We barely even know of each other’s existence. Im still gonna do it though… I want my cute world.

Im not even looking at the soulbinds, the legendaries, or the covenant class ability. Im sure its terrible, but rogues seem weirdly unfinished anyway, so you pays your money you takes your chance. It cant be worse than Venthyr… can it? I should check… but im not gonna because i dont care. Which is a bad decision. I aint a min maxer. Im literally doing world content and very occasionally instanced content. Losing 15% theorycrafted dps versus a fully optimised and correctly specced rogue wont cause me to lose all that much sleep.

Im also a sin rogue. Ive been a sin rogue since vanilla. I will continue to be a sin rogue for as long as i can honestly stomach the uptime BS about to drop on my head from bringing back the very thematically important and definitely not at all boring slice n dice… Cant wait! /s But i’ll still play sin despite every urge to play subtlety instead (im not playing outlaw! You cant make me!). If we’re depruning, cant you just give me burst of speed instead? Throw another one on the pile of incorrect and stupid decisions, lads!

Choices having impact isn’t the issue. The issue here is that covenants are the equivalent of being 6 years old and being told to lock in your career choice. Like, yeah it’s going to have an impact. Sure, it’s a meaningful choice. Does that make this a good way to do things?

We don’t really do this, we just wait to see what the best specs/talents etc will be and copy

No matter what you do, there will always be a cookie cutter spec and this game will be full of one way or the highway.

Not that I agree with Preach in anyway, he’s terrible.

You’re assuming the developers don’t know how to tailor content around the Covenants.

From a balance standpoint, I don’t have any indication that they do.

I do, however, know that Echoing Void and Void Ritual changes are the types of drastic changes that could be possible with covenants, and are exactly the ones I’m afraid of when being told I have to lock in.

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You also have no indication that they don’t.

Is reading not your thing?

Man, critical thinking really isn’t something many people are capable of, huh?

I mean, you don’t have to follow the same cookie-cutter builds as everyone else, you don’t have to be the same as everyone else and make gameplay and aesthetic decisions based on taste. But if people who prefer to clear content first and foremost benefit from having all classes, specs etc be cookie cutter, be identical in power and gameplay, then I don’t see why that’s such a problematic thing.

You still have your choices, they have theirs.

Shouldn’t be so selfish, consider other people and how this impacts them, especially when such changes don’t impact you. Really these takes are far, far worse and more toxic than any top 1% wanting a change to system.

Is this going to be the new phrase, just because the game dev used it as an example once? Overwatch with raids?

TBH I think part of the issue too is blizzard keeps making fights crazier and crazier. Have you looked at the journal for castle nathria? Some of those fights look nuts and it’s meant to be the entry-level raid for the expansion.

That’s one area I think they’ve gone too far with but that’s me. I miss the Wrath/Cata raid style