Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

If do nothing means continue what they are doing then that is just not true. Maintaining the status quo can be very expensive. They can’t just do nothing…ie ignore the forums and it will just run on it’s own. They pay people to maintain it. Fixing issues can and almost by definition does lower long term cost.

If you can prove its worth doing.

Which likely still hasn’t been done by any shot callers at Blizzard.

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This, this is exactly my course of thinking too!

No, there does not need to be a mediator. Just because of something someone has done may not be harassment to you, doesn’t mean it isn’t harassment. Because Blizzard looks at all forms of harassment as harassment, even if you think something isn’t harassment.

There is no context, there is no mediator, harassment is harassment.

Which makes it more important and re-iterates my point that some posters take what’s being said across this site too seriously.

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So, you’re admitting that you’re doing to defend any form of harassment on the forums or within the game?

But some people take disagreements as harassment.

Or looking up logs to see further context if they were to exist.

Harassment is therefore subjective.

I’m saying that without proper context you don’t get the whole picture and you end up punishing people in excess.

Disagreements are not harassment.

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But that individual says it’s harassment. Are you to say that they are wrong?

And Blizzard can rule on something is harassment, it doesn’t mean they’re right in the court of public opinion either.

Edit: for an example: Someone named Carn something holds an opposite view on M+ and since I frequent M+ threads, to them it seems I only respond to them on the forums just to disagree. They often hold unreasonable positions.

Does this count as harassment? I think they called it as such in order words.

Same topic, different thread, mostly regurgitated points to a different audience with maybe slightly different context.


Blizzard does have a clear definition as to what falls as harassment. Disagreements doesn’t fall under as harassment.

I mean, like, players does have a lot of things to what could fall under harassment. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t fall under harassment. Lets take something that does fall under harassment for example, dropping someones real name, or in reality, doxxing, but not talking about the actual term. But dropping someones real name is considered under as harassment.

Another example, is using alts to bypass ignores for direct replies after several ignores. Yes, this does fall under as harassment. We all know Blizzard encourages people to ignore others if don’t want to see or be contacted by someone on the forums. And yes, switching alts to directly reply is considered by harassment. Notice the difference between “direct replies” and “replying to thread.”

But somethings such as disagreements does not fall under as harassment, even if someone things it does. Blizzard does have more clear views on what really defines as harassment, here on the forums, or within the game. What is really harassment, is actually harassment, there is nothing that needs to be defined as what is really harassment.


Blizzard acts quickly and sternly to cases of real harassment, they have my respect on this matter.

It’s only subjective in the eyes of the poster and their opinions don’t mean anything when it comes to the rules since they don’t get to make any calls on whether or not someone broke a rule. It is not subjective to Blizzard as they have guidelines on what is and isn’t X.

The court of public opinion doesn’t matter here. Not to mention how few people even use the forum anyway.

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the court of public opinion doesn’t really apply to blizzard’s actions regarding account penalties in game, though.

this is blizzard’s game and they set the rules.

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Anything that lowers mediation costs would likely be worth doing because it’s a one time cost to fix the thing, then years of mediation on the forums. Unless the cost is quite high…which it doesn’t make sense this would be…I don’t buy it.

The idea it has to be proven when it is so obvious is also a ridiculous internet way of thinking about it and not how things work in an office. They don’t need to math this out. Only way that would happen is if the fix is really hard and very costly.

In most places it would get flagged as an issue, put into a queue and if cost is there it would come up for an ok with admin and that is it.

There’s also office politics as well as the fact that no one here knows what objective purpose or benefit Blizzard gains by keep the forums the way they are today.

I think they’re lazy and/or don’t want to expend time and resources on it.

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tin foil hat says employees sock puppet the GD to move conversations their way…

hey, Disney does it…

Wrong. My profile is hidden because of website antagonists that monitored my profile to harass every post I made. The problem isn’t hidden profiles. FYI serial antagonists have a personality disorder. Usually NPD, but sometimes ASPD or BPD. They should seek help, but it’s easier to indulge than help. The usual “not my problem”.

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Put them on ignore.

There are several people on this forum that I’ve humiliated in various topics, and take it upon themselves to reply to every post I make for several days afterwards.

I have no idea what they say, because I put them on ignore. No problem.

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I have. They continue by monitoring the topic. It’s a stalemate of sorts.