Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

Right now blocking someone with a visible profile is pretty easy. Click on profile, dropdown, then choose time frame. Easy.

For a hidden profile you have to copy their name, open your open profile preferences, go to preferences in side of it, choose users, click add, paste the name, find the person…then choose the time frame.

It’s just a really weird thing that the hidden profile blocks the block option, and it should be easier.


That would be nice.

When you see somebody with a hidden profile, it’s guaranteed that they’re just a troll, and do it solely to make it harder to put them on ignore.

(And, of course, ignore should block their entire account.)


If you have an issue with people blocking others, you’re probably the problem.


Should be the same on both, likely something to do with this forum software not being overly coorperative.

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You should be able to just type in their name and it shows a list of suggestions, even for blocked profiles :thinking:

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I know, a hidden profile shouldn’t be hiding the ignore user button.


I don’t have anyone on Block. If I’m having problems with someone in a thread, I choose not to further engage.

I have certain people that I’m not overly fond of for things that I’m not willing to discuss because it’s against the rules. I still read what they write to others. And generally refrain from Communicating with them directly.

Saying all that though, They are certain forum modifications that would probably be beneficial to people who are having issues.

There have been many threads like these made though and discussed quite thoroughly. All we can do is Hope for the future and maybe some changes but when that comes is anyone’s guess

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I don’t block people either, but I support having the option. Everybody’s threshold’s are different, and I think it’s important that people who feel like they need the function can have it.

Mhm, precisely. :dracthyr_nod:


This ^^^

I have four people on block. One lied and said I threatened them, one is super angry and just likes to argue and the other two are trolls that make my head hurt lmao


Sounds like a you problem.


isn’t there already a thread on account wide ignore where you can discuss this, though?

i feel as though a new thread was not needed to discuss this topic.


Please don’t tell you just just jumped right into the topic without reading the thread.


I think they should just add the “ignore forever” button next to the flag button. No need to navigate away from the thread you are reading to ignore one person.


I just report them and see that their threads got taken down by the Mods on here. Like reported for spam, trolling, and etc.

This is a pretty nonsensical thing for this forum software to do, honestly. I don’t know why it’s like that. The only reason to hide a profile is so that people don’t sit there and troll you with comments like, “I SEE U TYPING” or “WHY U TAKING SO LONG TO REPLY” or “OMG U WRITING A NOVEL?!” That shouldn’t make ignoring annoying.


Totally agree. It should be easily accessible not hidden behind anything…like most forums.

Give people options to self regulate and often things handle themselves.


Sadly there are those that thing giving people the ability to self regulate is censorship meant to shut them down.

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A lot of people have a lot of self serving weird ideas. Everyone should have the right to defend themselves from abuse or just from people they don’t like. Nothing is perfect but this one is pretty clear.

Edit: actually…you know what…no they don’t. Sorry the people who argue that to me come across almost universally as liars who are mad they can’t attack people. I have seen people saying it’s better to not block, but nobody really honestly arguing that the option is bad except for trolls.

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The kind of people I am talking abotu are the ones that think they should be able to discuss things even with those that ignore them, or the kind that if they pulled this BS IRL would likely find themselves:

  1. facing harassment charges
  2. eating a knuckle sandwich
  3. if they do it to the wrong person/group, in a situation no one really wants to be in
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I do kind of feel this way. I only have one person blocked and it’s one of the people most end up blocking.

Other than that, I don’t really see the need for it.