Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

Let them post whatever they want. If you’re ignoring them, you don’t have to deal with it.

Idiots post stupid stuff on the forum all the time; if they want act like a clown, that’s on them.

Guarantee you that other people are putting them on ignore, too, when they see how the person is posting nonsense in reply to you.

He’s right

As an idiot, I know I post here all the time


I wish fewer people hid their profiles and force me to use roundabout ways to creep their TMog.

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this is just not true. privacy does not mean you’re hiding something. sounds like you work for the government or HOA (government wanna-be). maybe I’ll make my fence even bigger next year

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No one knows the objective benefit of keeping these forums at all.

But are you idiot enough to be a Gordon Ramsay idiot sammich?

You’d think that guy would do something about his head looking like the top half of a carrot. He’s got the money by now.

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I dunno. I like that it’s wildly terrible. I think it’s about the only thing that makes him feel legitimately involved in the food business, not just an actor. Restaurant life is uh…interesting. In my early 20s I had the joy of co-owning part of a family restaurant with my cousin. The tidy, neat-as-a-pin chefs/cooks were always all talk, no walk. The guys and gals that made you ponder what you were getting yourself into by hiring them always knocked it outta the park.

Anthony Bourdain always looked very cool but just a touch dissheveled too. I’m trying to think what sincere well known chef I know of that is not got a wild streak in them.

As already stated in the thread, your privacy is already established by you being “Siardes”, and mine by me being “Brewa”. Instead of who we actually are.

And this privacy CANNOT be turned off.

Making oneself harder for other people to toss on ignore isn’t “privacy” for them, it’s anti-privacy for other people, by making it harder for those other people to not have to listen to them.

(And apologies if that was hard to follow. I originally wrote it with “you” and “them” but this is the general discussion forum, and people immediately take it as an attack on them if you use the “y-word” in a hypothetical.)