Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

Oh don’t you worry sugar-ears

I’m well aware about the people who get super scared over the idea of people using the block feature and how you could make a pile of dirt outside and it would be able to make better arguments


A CCperson is just a regular game player like the rest of us same with MVPs that post in green . They aren’t BLizzard employees and are entitled to the same opinions as the rest of us . They weren’t chosen neccesarilly for their maturity but by what Blizz thought their input towards the game might be.


I was having fun and not taking anything seriously. I do not even think the person the CC person was mostly talking to was being serious either. Seemed like fake, light drama. Or maybe I am wrong

Ye, Thank you senpai :upside_down_face:. It’s amazing what you can tell one person and then they tell another and another and the more that story gets tossed around the story can come out completely different.

Which is why there’s always a need for a mediator.

There is no circumstance outside of what you deem as harassment.

Or any forum improvement that isn’t your solution.

THat person most likely remembers because they have been ignored on multiple toons.

They are one of the reasons a lot of us in the forums want there to be an ignore the entire account of a person instead of just the individual toon .

They will keep going I don’t know what you are talking about in each thread they come in when they are caught and by caught I mean a person can change toons but their stlye of what they say really doesn’t change so they give their identity away thast way .

They will come in and give ideas that are actually meant to make the ability of some of the forum QoL suggestions to make things harder like instead of being able to ignore like we do now or a full account wide ignore there should be anonymous posting so that people can’t see eachother’s names.

With out name showing it would be even harder with say the hidden profile way of ignoring because there would be no name to put into the ignore box.

They are what is commonly refered to as a bad actor.

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I think it’s comical. I guess I am wired weird. I do not see any harm from what I have read from what they said but we all like different people.

I love the idea of an account being ignored when you ignore a toon.

I guess I do not understand how that would upset someone. The forums seem like a joke to me most of the time.

Amen. A private profile has a 75% chance of being a troll


Usually they are a joke and to be honest most of the people I have on ignore are the same people and usually its people that keep on going in circle and repeating things even after being showed links that counter their arguments especially when it involves the forums and the links are from Blizzard sites. Usually these people are on a 6 month to a year ignore . Now if some one links what they said and I feel they have mellowed out I may remove it sooner.

There are only 2 people I have perma ignored . One because they constantly make threads (especially this time of year ) that brings unusually high heat towards the lgbt forum users (not a member myself but don’t feel they desrve the hate that person generates towards them) and the other person because they have shown very toxic narcisistic tendencies .


They were definitely being sarcastic. Basically giving back what they were getting lol.

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you people are still going at this arent you?

i can guarantee you it wouldnt. instead your posts would just get ignored and it would turn into reddit style brigading wars.

If downvotes have zero functionality on stuff getting ignored, that wouldn’t happen.

than whats the point of a downvote? you could just post your disagreement. if you want to just spam the downvote button without posting a comment reddit is that way. it really sounds like you basically just want the wow forums to turn into reddit.

What is the point of liking a post?


I don’t use reddit, but I could imagine that they might have some forum functionalities that are superior to the wow forums. There might be less alting around to avoid ignores or something.

not much really just a dopeamine high.

reddit is basically a giant echo chamber. it is the antithesis for anyone who wants to get an objective perspective on anything.

It’s ultimately the same as just going, “I disagree and I don’t care enough to elaborate or debate it.” Simalrly, likes being the same as saying “I agree” or “^ this” without making a post.

Dislikes auto-hiding posts was the only real problem with them.

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at which point why bother doing anything. just move on and do something productive. or comment on something you actually want to comment on. like if someone doesn’t actually want to engage on a forum why are they there? reddit is designed around this type of discussion…gaming forums…really arent.

Because not every post requires every single person to respond. If I responded to every post I agreed or disagreed with, it would become spammy though every now and then I enjoy tossing in a response or an insight from my perspective.

In that regard, dropping a like or non-existent dislike is low effort which allows more time to comment on something else or do something productive instead.

Personal opinion or rant threads are rarely ever productive, suggestion threads are sometimes productive and sometimes not but usually they become impromptu debate threads, and then there are question threads where there can be actual productive answers.

But we are in General Discussion, so you may be able to estimate the number of threads that would be a productive use of time.