Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

When they start arguing with a CC member about the “functionality” of a left mouse click vs a right mouse click you have your answer.

why don’t you just try it and tell me how long it takes you

Sunday’s are not fun days.

What? Why?

You don’t need to wait for sundays when you have certain people posting :joy:


It is always Sunday at someone’s house.


Sunday threads or Sunday post always resort to some form of trolling, and most of the time, always resorts into harassment from people, or hate speech being made, etc. Sunday on the forums are usually a nightmare.

ok i timed myself engaging with the procedure to ignore someone with a hidden profile.

I left clicked their name, highlighted their name with my mouse, right clicked their name and chose “copy”.

then i left clicked my profile picture in the upper right hand corner of the page, scrolled down to profile, clicked that, used my left click on preferences, left clicked on users, left clicked on the “+add” button, right clicked and chose paste, moved my mouse down and used left click on the ignore button.

i timed myself using a stopwatch and it took 12.4 seconds in total.

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What some ppl define as “hate” around here sometimes is mind boggling.

No, they were unlisted. Unlisted means that they don’t show up in the standard list of topics. Unlisted doesn’t mean that they were deleted.

And it is good to know so maybe you won’t try to blatantly lie about your engagement with those previous threads in the future.


Well, what would you define as hate then?

To keep coming at someone in an ugly way with ugly words but I don’t wanna write off all of those words.

i posted in support because i thought it was a good idea, but i wasn’t the author of any of those threads - nor did i track their activity in any way.

you seem to know alot more about these threads than i do.

Well, that is what most people would define hate as. An example such as the homophobic or transphobic post towards the LGBTQIA+ community, though this is just one example.

Another example is stuff like real life threats, which although aren’t as common, but aren’t exactly rare either.

Stop playing this game. We know you have been involved in previous threads, including this thread.

I would defend my trans friend against anyone that talked crap to her. On the flip, idk why she is still friends with me bc I still not understand it all fully and I feel like people shouldn’t have to conform to some stuff that “has” to be said or it’s “hate” but I’m not gonna get into that.

And absolutely, wishing someone death or to self harm is putrid.

Otherwise I am struggling to think of why people get so mad here over non issues

As I said previously, blizzard does an awful job at protecting you with ‘hidden profile’
2 click, I can see your forum history. Google doesn’t hide it at all rofl.

Even better, just type their name into google. It shows ALL the things :joy:

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What you define as non-issues, may not be defined as non-issues to others.

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Don’t even have to do that, just look at every thread where people have requested for improvements to the forums.

ok then why are you complaining about people having hidden profiles if it doesn’t affect you?

I understand yet I do not, especially from ppl that I believe to be older.