Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

You acknowledged threads there. That shows that you knew there were multiple threads. The fact that you posted multiple times in multiple versions of that thread proves that is a lie. It’s easily verified if you scroll through the threads.


Because potatoes like you like to troll. You think having a hidden profile protects you and allows you to be a keyboard warrior on the forums.

And I don’t have a problem with hidden profiles. I have a problem with people that think it’s a shield :joy:

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Like the CC person posting. Who cares? To me this is silly

Potatoes are delicious

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Any thread that they support that can increase dangers to the forums they will be to support, and other threads that can help to improve the forums, they’ll be their to troll the thread out.

Should know the true intentions from them.

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Boy, I get pinged into this thread and its absolutely a clown show

Thanks guys


so you don’t mind hidden profiles and you don’t use the ignore feature, sounds good.

Sorry Mal, wasn’t trying to bring you to this thread.

again, you seem to know more about them than i do.

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I have a problem with hidden profiles. Usually, posters with that on, they tend to contribute undesirable posts.


Especially chopped or shredded and fried :yum:

I had some whataburger french fries last night… 11/10

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Speaking of shredded I miss shreds so much :sob:

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well you are free to ignore anyone with hidden profiles should you so choose.

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Please don’t include me. I have my forum profile hidden due to some harassment, especially from the one you’re replying too.


Glad you stated the obvious without contributing to the topic. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Oh I have been harassed from a man on the forums too lol

I just got over it. Played me like a piano

what is your contribution to the topic though?

I must just have a better memory. But as I’m bored, I’m just rereading one of the threads and you’ve got around 20+ posts in a single day in one of those threads.

Are you sure you don’t remember that? It seems like with that amount of engagement that you would remember it better.


But I don’t know if they have hidden profile active without checking to see if they do. If it were visible without needing to check, I would be fine with it.

Some kind of mark should be visible in this thread if people have hidden profile active.

Maybe a shadow around their avatar portrait.