Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

When I do that on your character it tells me your profile is hidden and that option isn’t there. It’s only there for people who have not hidden their profile like you have. So pretty easy to ignore people who haven’t hidden their profile, but not those who have. Which is the entire point of the OP.


Some people just take what’s said on here too seriously.

Which is why they use flags to shut down posts they disagree with or jump to conclusions without considerations being made.

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You say responding to a month old post

bh, i want to ask why have it at all.

But yes, i agree. Make it where hidden profile don’t make it kind of hard to find the ignore button or profile button.

…Where did Brewas said anything like this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Welp. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
GTA 1 theme song plays on full blast.

There’s all kinds of problems that need to be fixed on this site. One of the most glaring is that a small group of a few people on discord can flag any post they see fit for moderator attention. They need to just bring back downvoting instead of the system abuse that exists right now.



A simple dislike/like system that is just purely cosmetic would’ve solved so much.

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If someone is being annoying outside my window (and I live on a very busy street), I shut the window, put on my headphones and ignore them. I rather have less to scroll through here.

I don’t open the window and tell them I don’t like what they said. I also don’t put on costumes to come back to my window and do it again repeatedly to make it seem like more people disagree with them than just me.

The same system that allows players to switch to alts to keep creating the same threads over and over again will be abused to repeatedly downvote the same post and yes, target people, unless it’s one downvote per account.

But, since we’re on the topic of making people easier to ignore, does anyone really bother with the other time frames? By the time I decide I want to ignore someone, I’m pretty sure it’s because of an attitude that I don’t expect to change in 3 to 6 months.


But this same small group, can downvote a post as well. :laughing:

We have seen this enough at the forum here, so many good threads or posts were downvoted, because a vocal minority took action. We see this on Reddit as well, it´s just impossible to have a conversation like that.

The average joe, is just not hitting these downvote buttons much, he just moves on and that gives power to the vocal minority and why internet votings on opinions, are bad in general.

We don´t need this handholding.

If I don´t like a post or disagree with it, then I move on or give my opinion to it. Those “silent” votes, that discredit the view of others are a huge issue these days.

downvoting was even worse. people dont like what you said. downvote and get your post buried. no blizz took it away explicity cause the forums weaponized as a means to silence posters.

It’s even worse now. A small group of people can not only bury the post but it’s also in the mod queue making is susceptible to the whims of a moderator and possibly leading to suspensions and bans of posters. Downvote hiding is nowhere near as bad.

hows that different from when we had downvoting? the exact same thing could be done. after 25 flag you got sent to moderator review and temp silenced. make an unpopular take on the legendary ring? YOU BETTER BELIEVE YOU WERE GETTING SILENCED.

Only if they’re talking down to people who do an activity, when they themselves don’t do that activity. That’s pretty trolly, yeah.

Why is it so hard to not lie? A lot of armory snooping is to point out that people claiming “I did this, years ago” are lying and actually didn’t.
If lying wasn’t so widespread on this forum, we’d have a lot less armory snooping. But since people lie a lot and think the rest of us are too stupid to find out, here we are.

Also… why is it so hard to stay out of conversations people have no basis for commenting in? I don’t do arena, therefore, I don’t go over to the arena forum and shoot my mouth off. Wish others would use similar restraint.

The level of condescending “mansplaining” (for lack of a better term) on this forum, from people who don’t really play the game at all, is ridiculous. There are tons of people who regularly post in this forum but barely play WoW. They just maintain a sub to shout down and lecture other people about activities those people do, but the lecturer does not. It’s not just silly, it’s rude.

In any case, it’s not really the profile (i.e. armory) that’s the sure-fire troll sign; armory is easy to look up even if they have it “hidden” (it’s not hidden). But somebody with a hidden activity feed? Sure-fire troll sign.


Many people in the world do not have this kind of willpower. It’s sad.


I’ve always been the kind of person to listen to both sides of the story before making a decision.

One of the most challenging things that a person can realize is that when their thought processes are flawed. And it’s extremely uncomfortable. On a Intrapersonal level.

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Corinthians 13:11

I don’t straight ticket in my life with decisions. And I’ve come to several occasions, arriving at a crossroads where neither path seems satisfactory.

With every passing moment, I diverge from the person I was in the past. But I’ve always kept an open mind, even with things that greatly upset me.

And barring an actual life threat, I don’t feel like the majority of these threads deserve to be flagged. because I have the capacity to disengage myself from a thread that is looking to bait us and engage arguments with someone who did it to troll or to just get the normal Warcraft forum response.

I think a better solution is to just give us the ability to mute the entire thread and or the offending people so that you never see their threads again.

How many times have we seen a good thread that at some point got off track and descended into ad hominems Or arguments? Then it gets 404.

Things are a lot more draconian now than they ever have been. I take banter and seriousness with the same grain of salt. And if that has been lost, then I really do weep for society.

It is inevitable to find someone who disagrees with you. And I’ll be first to admit that if a conversation or a topic such as me discussing some thing that I have no business discussing like arenas or Mythic plus 15, then it’s Proper for someone to call me out on it and I’ll stop.

I don’t get angry, defensive or vulgar. But if I happen to start going in that direction, then it’s best if I just remove myself from the conversation.

I’m not looking to win debates or arguments. I’m just here to share my experiences with the game that I enjoy. That is if I ever get time to play :rofl:

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Serious question, do moderators often hand out suspensions or bans on whims? Because I’ve seen a lot of threads that have devolved into mud slinging and flaming that have continued on for a very long time before they were stopped.

The most players can do is flag a post for moderation and I don’t feel like moderators are tossing out extra suspensions just because they feel some sort of way that day.

Part of the problem is that moderators only read specific posts, they don’t read the thread or look at the context unless you follow up with an appeal/ticket.

So for example if you have a thread that degenerates into people slinging mud at each other, and ONE of them mass-reports the other party with all their alts, the mods might penalize the one who got reported, but not bother looking at all the other posts (from the reporter) that were even worse.

Amusing story:
A few months ago I got a suspension for using a term similar to ‘moron’, describing myself, which got reported. I appealed and the reply was ‘you got suspended because you used this word’. And then I wrote back and said, ok, but here’s the context, please read these other posts. And they came back and were like “oh you were talking about yourself” and I said yes, I’M the moron. And they were like yeah ok we’ll lift it.

But yeah, all the context of a conversation gets lost, they only read the reported post(s). (Which I totally get why they do it, btw.)

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agree 100%

That is fair. I can see that being an issue, particularly when a thread spirals and there are 200+ posts in the span of an hour or two.

Hilarious response from someone with a hidden profile that does not have those options.

The system is broken and can be fixed. It is a customized piece of off the shelf software. They absolutely can make hidden profiles not hide the ignore button. Hell I think they should just add it directly to the forum as a link at the bottom.


the system is perfectly fine, it doesnt need to be changed.