Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

It’s annoying, but there is a way to do so.

Go to your Profile in the upper corner (your picture and the little person icon at the bottom), Preferences (the gear icon), over to the Users tab, and there you can type in whoever you want to mute/ignore and for how long.

It’s just not very fast, like in-game lol.

oh boy. why doesnt it need to be changed? oh hidden profile.


No, it could be made easier for sure.

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it’s really a non-issue though, so it would just be a waste of blizzard’s resources to spend time and/or money on this.

Its an issue.

I get you are here with your double standards. But come on.

Could you explain. Specifically why you feel it should be more difficult to ignore people with a hidden profile?


here’s an explanation: the system currently works perfectly as it is right now.

Compared to some of the other suggestions you’ve made, like creating an entirely separate forum, the amount of resources required would be a drop in the bucket.


That is not an explanation.

Could you explain why it should be more difficult to ignore people with a hidden profile?


well if people truly aren’t happy with this forum and the way in which it was designed, perhaps those people can simply go make their own forums and run it as they please?

Once again.

Trolling with your double standards. As you continuously have pushed changes to the forums you want.


The same could be said for those wanting purely anonymous posting, yet you were pushing for those changes.


and those who want btags as well.

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So can we confirm you are here being a hypocrite?

Adding nothing to the conversation?


yes, the system currently allows everyone to ignore all posters, whether the profile is hidden or not hidden.

Sure, but since you’ve advocated for making changes to the forums, you don’t mind blizzard using resources to implement changes you would like.

But it is more difficult for some.

Why do you feel hidden profiles deserve it to be more difficult?

you have to copy/paste a name… takes 30 seconds. not a big deal.

Not what I asked.

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well it’s the only answer required.

They do that often.