Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

I’ve never blocked anyone, and I’m proud of it.

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That’s because you’re more awesome than the rest of us.


I believe you…because all the 10th lvl characters on this thread area ll just alts from the people we really want to have account wide blocking for. It’s so obvious it’s ridiculous but we have to put up with it because the system is bad.

Really frustrating.

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There should be a ignore icon next to the bookmark icon to the right. Just tap it and that’s it, should be easy peasy without jumping through hoops.


Yup or a drop-down or something. Should be able to do it and stay on the forum you are on without changing pages. No reason for it to not be there.


But what if you’re wrong, and this is not an alt but my only toon in this region?
You’d shoot an innocent!

It would be of great interest to attempt to read the topic of a thread first before partaking in the banter.

They don’t read.

But yeah, it is odd for them to make Hidden Profile = Hidden ignore button, even more-so since they removed buttons from clicking on users on the forums. Having to ignore people with hidden profiles requiring more or less a tutorial on where to find it on our own profile is kind of lame.


Alternatively, after making a flag selection one could be met with a prompt of “Would you like to block?” followed with a “yes” or “no.”


I like how you don’t know what you are talking about but still wanted to put their two cents in.


you can’t block anyone - you may ignore and if you know how to do it it isn’t much harder on a hidden profile

But still. They need to add a button next to their name with a big red x. Or a circle with a line through it.

Who cares? What do you even have to hide? Your embarrassing IO score? Pvp rating? bosses cleared? It’s not like your armory is displaying your address or social security, it’s just showing your stats that’s literally it. I promise you, nobody cares about your IO, rating, and whatever else, not unless you’re saying something totally absurd.

Sounds more like you don’t appreciate people having more choices.


I don’t get blocking people you simply disagree with, but for those who insist on it, it should be easy to do.

Some commercial forums that generate ad revenue based on views and click-throughs have a reason to discourage blocking, but Blizzard’s forums don’t directly generate revenue so there’s no reason to make blocking difficult.

In fact, if it results in more users creating silos they’re happy in, there’s a lot less acrimony, and less need to employ moderators.

That topic is about account wide ignore.

This topic is about making it easier to ignore players who have hidden profiles as there are a number of extra steps involved.

There is a clear difference between those two things.


Actually on the PvP side of things, since some people have something wrong with them and this game is their life, they can use forum names to find a player and grief them in game. But, yes, the software shouldn’t do that.

I block people who can’t be reasoned with and spout logical fallacies nonstop as if they’re the most brilliant human beings.

if you can’t be reasoned with I have no idea why you’re on a public forum, you’re basically just a troll at that point.

I’ve seen tons and tons of threads that make a good point but get trolled by people who don’t reason with anything, they’re just having emotional experiences nonstop or trying to anyway.


This is a bold statement and shows the problem in todays society.

If someone doesn´t have some “amazing” achievement / mainstream opinion, that person is automatically a troll.

Why is it to hard, to engage conversations without prejudice? I never look at the profile of someone when I answer to someone here, because it does not matter one bit.

When forums came up many years ago, you had a name, not even a profile picture or post count / armory. It was just some random name, someone picked and I feel it was a much more civilized and kind environment there.

You guys need to step down from your high horse and treat other forum users as what they are, human beeings and not statistics or numbers.


I don´t have a single person on ignore, I did not even know that is possible. As someone else said, if I see someone is not making a good conversation, I just stop replying and that´s it.


Yep, I agree.

As for the OP:

Go to “View Activity”, click on “Normal”, and then on “ignored”, then choose the time frame. Pretty easy.

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