Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

Blizzard is just being pro-fun for everyone then as well since people have the option to ignore people if they can’t handle what some people say, even though it isn’t against any rules.

Being a nuisance for the sakes of being a nuisance isn’t “pro-fun for everyone” though.

Oh okay. These are the same people who were going on about battle nets tags and forum junk from before. Not that hard to simply skim over what someone says to begin with. It’s players making mountains out of a very tiny molehill as usual.

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False. No matter how many different ways to try spin the myth that it is easy to use, people are always asking how to go about the process of ignoring a poster that has hidden their profile. The fact that it takes extra steps that are not clear and require people having to ask makes your little statement false. It was false in the Account Wide Ignore thread and it is still false in this thread.


ok let’s pretend that people don’t know how to use the ignore feature, sound good?

even if someone didn’t know how to use the ignore feature, the OP of this thread was kind enough to explain it step-by-step for anyone interested.

have a lovely day, friend :slight_smile:

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So was the anonymous posting thread. In fact, multiple times across several versions.

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And you just proved that someone has to explain to other people how to use a system that shouldn’t require a guide on how to use it.

You still not fooling anyone.

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It isn’t even a molehill, OP made a simple request to make things easier and equal, an improvement if you will.

It wasn’t until the thread was picked a month later did the usual concave skull trolls popped up saying it was already “too easy” and that there was a guide on how to do it on the post, when the necessity of a list of instructions in the first place to do something only for those who opt into it is evidence that it can be made easier.

Like all tools, there are those that misuse it, the request wasn’t to remove the feature or implement other things but to rather make the ignore feature more consistent. To make hidden profiles easier to ignore is better than making non-hidden profiles harder to ignore so that the obvious ones that use it like a troll switch will be easier to filter out on a personal basis, regardless of one’s opinion of forum ignore features versus consciously seeing but choosing to ignore.


No it doesn’t. My great grandmother is always asking how to use her cell phone also. Does that mean android is too confusing for the masses?

And? It wasn’t removed. Unlike certain threads that popped up by certain bad faith actors.

What? Too soon?


When I read that… “NO TAKE CANDLE!” popped into my head.

Don’t really care what your opinion is on ease of access issues. Considering your other toons have already earned a place on the permablock list. You aren’t even entertaining at what you attempt to do.

Ok? And? You really aren’t good at this.

Android is constantly being updated by each developer to be easier for the end user to use and perform functions and tasks. Maybe you should pick a better argument or… should stay out of discussions above your pay grade.

Don’t bother with that one .

They keep going around in circles so fast we use them as a fan for the forums servers


The only people who don’t want an easier way to block hidden profiles have quite obviously nothing good to contribute to any thread.

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Bingo. We have a winner.

I’m down for it being easier I just can’t fathom blocking anyone on the forums, even ppl that rub me wrong.


Allow me to give you an answer. Yes, current day smartphones are too complicated for the technologically impaired. However that is a different argument.

If we were to use a smartphone as an example in this metaphor, imagine you know how to turn on your smartphone. You push a button on the side and it turns on, you hold it down while it is on and it will turn off or at least bring up the prompt to turn it off. Now imagine that your smartphone works like that except if a switch was flicked that button would stop functioning and to turn your phone on or off you would have to go through multiple steps on your watch instead, sure you could have a guide or just be capable of figuring out on your own and remembering, but why would you want that instead of the simple on and off button?

oh sorry, you’ll have to excuse me. i wasn’t the author of that thread, so i wasn’t really keeping track of what happened to it.

i merely saw that thread, thought to myself that it would be a great idea. i talked to some of my friends who also held the opinion that it would work well, so i posted in support of it.

and that’s all that i really know, tbh.

i do personally think it would still be great for the forums and would support its implementation.

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I spent 2 hours trying to re-pair my earbuds to my Android phone. I was at the point of just going and buying brand new ones and the last attempt… worked.

That’s beyond insane that I did the exact same procedure for 2 hours straight and it finally worked.

perhaps that extra function promotes the safety of a person’s privacy, which seems like a very good benefit to have.

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