Make it easier to block characters who have their profile hidden

Be thankful for that :sunglasses:

But you advocate for them to create fully anonymous posting when you can essentially achieve that already, so wasting resources isn’t truly a concern of yours.


Why? You’d suspend me for having a different opinion than you?

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The forums are such a joke. I can’t imagine blocking anyone here


Yall need Jesus lol

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This is serious business to some people. lol


I block people on reddit if they have me blocked so they can’t post under what I post. It’s only fair.

But why


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Why should they be able to reply to me when I can’t reply to them?

you, sir are a hero

I needed a laugh so bad.

Fr, fr.

Thank you

There’s more to it than just a “difference of opinion”

When someone’s spewing insults and hate, why shouldn’t I block them?


And yet, you can imagine setting yourself as hidden profile.

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No, you’re m’lady

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Actually no. I wouldn’t punish you at all. You haven’t said or done anything off topic or trolling.
Now some others on the other hand.

And you assume I would be some evil overlord lol.
Tbh I’d just tighten up rules, that’s about it. It can tend to be the wild west here at times.

I’m an old community manager from another gaming forum, I’m definitely pro ‘fun for everyone’ xD
It’s just silly what is allowed to happen here sometimes.

If that were true then they’d be suspended by Blizzard. People are way too report happy here for it to slip between the cracks for long.

that very angry shaman thread was live for like 10 hours.

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That’s what I am saying! Free entertainment :joy:

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And sadly if a mod would have changed the title and stuff, it would have been perfect.
That was one of the most wholesome threads Ive seen in awhile lol.

I understand that. Idk that used to bother me, it doesn’t now or I do not think.

The forums and well, just people in general - we all think we’re right with our opinions generally but we’re all probably wrong in ways and a bit close minded.