Why does it take extra steps to ignore people with hidden profiles

What’s the deal?

I’m so sick of having to go around the long way to ignore obnoxious trolls on hidden profiles.

Please fix this.

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The deal is… the forum isn’t Blizzard software. It’s a third-party product called Discourse, and it works exactly this way for dozens of forum websites hosted by that company or running its software.

Blizzard has no direct way to implement this and relatively little leverage in forcing the owners of that software to change their intentional design choices. (It was literally years before Discourse grudgingly supported ignoring posters at all. The principal designer of the software literally refused, for purely philosophical reasons, to accept the idea of ignoring posters.)

So do ask, but be aware of how unlikely the change you’re asking for is.


Thank you

Can you please share how to do this? I was just going to make a post asking if this is a forum bug and can it be fixed.

Nevermind, here is a post saying how: