Make healing rain insta cast

Makes no sense why we have the cast time. Druids don’t have a cast time and it heals pretty much for the same amount.


Ground targeted AoE abilities that have a cast time just feel clunky in general.


Bump for support. Especially as HR already has a CD.


Fully support this idea. In PvE, it’s too clunky to cast a 10 sec aoe spell and in PvP, you can’t justify using a precious pvp talent slot to make healing rain instant(Healing Rain).


Yeah, if you could cast it and have multiple overlaps of it, but the fact that it has a cooldown means you just won’t prioritize using it.

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What they should do is make it a totem. Have the totem call fourth the rains from the sky. That way you can use totemic procjection on it to offset the cooldown of it.


Love that idea.

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And druids lack large single target heals in response to that. Keep things in perspective here.

And you do have access to Nature’s Swiftness

Your AoE healing that “should be a totem” is Healing Stream/Tide. It already exists.

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And druids lack large single target heals in response to that. Keep things in perspective here.

Giving us an instant healing rain wouldn’t suddenly put us on par with a resto druids heal over time proficiency. Not even close. We would have slightly better sustain healing because healing rain still wouldn’t take priority. Just like if your direct heals were slightly tuned up on Rdruid, you still wouldn’t be on par with a shaman’s bursty single target healing. I’ve tried instant cast healing rain with the pvp talent(Rain Dance), it’s really not very earth shattering at all. It’s quite mild. It’s not worth taking the pvp talent.

Overall, if you gave Rshams instant healing rain, their sustain would still be mediocre. If you gave Rdruids a bit more “juice” on their regrowth, they’re direct healing would still be mediocre. Wouldn’t be some redefining aspect, just a mild boost in sustain.

And you do have access to Nature’s Swiftness

You could never justify using NS on a healing Rain lol. Literally nobody does this, in PvP or PvE. As a Rsham you almost always pair NS with Healing Wave. Also, Rdruid nature swiftness is on a 45 second cooldown and it also increases the effectiveness on your next heal by 100%. Rsham NS is on a 1 min cooldown with no increased effectiveness. Not using a 1 min cooldown with no healing boost to cast rain for 10 seconds.

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Healing stream isn’t an AOE, it heals one player per tick, and healing tide is an emergency throughput spell on a 3 min cd (2.5 if talented). They are not - and not meant to be - remotely close to healing rain in function.

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HST is no where near comparable to basically every other aoe heal. HTT is a very good aoe cooldown. Healing rain is our current placed aoe heal. It suffers from both a cast time and a cd. It needs one or the other removed.

If it was moved to a totem, it could keep the cd, but we could use totemic projection to shift it when needed once per cd.

Are we moving goal posts now? Are we changing to discuss making Shamans a HoT based class?

So then it’s not worth changing if it doesn’t change anything. So why the fuss?

Never said it was justifiable. Simply that you have access to make it instant.

And doesn’t lock onto a single person for the entirety of it’s duration. Meaning it’s AoE and will heal people in it’s area of effect (AoE in case you weren’t sure what that meant).

Never said they were supposed to be the same function. Someone just said they wanted totems with AoE healing capabilities. Which I listed a couple that we already have. Makes me feel like you guys don’t actually play RShamans.

It really doesn’t. The cast time isn’t that detrimental. And if you took away the “placement”, you’d weaken the spell considerably since it would have a much larger AoE. You don’t really want that.

HR lasts 10 seconds
It’s CD is 10 seconds
No need to replace either. Just a little thinking. You don’t drop HR right when you know a mechanic is going to force you out of the area. Many many specs have abilities that deal with placement. It’s not game breaking

Are we moving goal posts now? Are we changing to discuss making Shamans a HoT based class?

You’re leaving out key portions of what I wrote to just cherry pick the parts you want to reply to. That’s not goal post moving.

Let’s see where you left some stuff out!

And druids lack large single target heals in response to that. Keep things in perspective here.

Once again, making healing rain instant(which it used to be) wouldn’t turn us into a HoT class. I made that part bold for you so you can’t say “changing Shamans into a hot class”

So then it’s not worth changing if it doesn’t change anything. So why the fuss?

Oh look! Leaving out key parts of what I said. I didn’t say “It wouldn’t change anything”.
I wrote “We would have slightly better sustain healing because healing rain still wouldn’t take priority” and I also wrote “Wouldn’t be some redefining aspect, just a mild boost in sustain.” That’s different then acting like I said “It doesn’t change anything”, no?

On Natures Swiftness not being justifiable to use for a single healing rain:

Never said it was justifiable. Simply that you have access to make it instant.

Why would we do something that isn’t justifiable? NS has a 1 min cooldown. No one is going to do that. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you’ll do it.

I also see from your responses to the other 2 Shams and it just seems at this point your looking to be a contrarian and just being obtuse. I’ll post for them and other shamans, even if it falls on deaf ears with you.

Okay bro lol


Says the guy posting on his druid…


I’m pretty sure he’s trolling.


Either that or severely lacking reading comprehension


I did. You’re comparing two entirely different healing styles.
Druids have small instant heals that stack made for sustained healing

Shamans have the larger burst heals.

You brought up changing things around and acting like you made an actual argument for something. Making HR instant isn’t going to have it competing against druids in full on sustain. Nor will buffing Regrowth have Druids competing with Shamans burst healing. You’re simply stating things as they are because of the way they play.

Your “points” lack the understanding of why the 2 separate classes play the way they do.

Druids have the “instant” casts because their heals are weak when stand alone and build up and stack before they become anywhere near efficient. How many globals does it take to match a single 2 second healing wave cast?

Not to mention if you’ve got an issue with cast timers, you’ve got Nature’s Swiftness, Spiritwalkers Grace, Riptide, Primordial Wave, Unleash Life, so on and so forth.

Efflo is considerably weaker than Healing Rain. And the argument of “it’s instant” does diddly squat per tick in comparison to Healing Rain. Healing Rain hits more targets, etc etc etc.

The only bonus Efflo gets is that it doesn’t have a CD. So if you move out of it, Druid can recast it in a new position. But I promise you, no Druid is spending every other global dropping new Efflo’s.

Compare RSham in a 31 DHT to an RDruid. Shaman gets more casts/uses of HR with it’s CD and inability to reposition it vs the Druid


It doesn’t need to be made instant. It doesn’t need to compete with RDruids. It just takes a little pre-planning for knowing when and where to cast it. Casting it on cooldown just because you can is bad practice.

Your replying to a post that isn’t even there anymore with this wall of text with a bunch of absolute nonsense. Your posting to hear yourself talk at this point.

Making a 1.6 cast for an AOE spell into an instant wouldn’t be redefining. That’s it. Stop over complicating it and acting like it’s some drastic change that destroys the niche role that the healer fills. Its a quality of life change more then anything.

Whole argument boiled down: **You have the option of making HR instant with pvp talents. We’re saying just reflect that pvp talent in the regular talent tree. That’s it.

Instead we get your convoluted condescending contrarian bullcrap with this post. I’ll make this the last word, anybody else who comes into the thread can read this or read your insightful posts and they can decide.


Bro, he’s trolling. We need to stop feeding him, and just ignore. He probably doesn’t play a Shaman.


I got you. We’ll stay steadfast in our determination for instant healing rain lol. Solidarity brother.