Why should Enhance players buy TWW?

I guess the good news is that they’re so far out on Stormbringer that its not even in the datamining. I realize that isn’t good news, but I’m trying to put a positive spin on it.

Farseer- chance to summon ancestors to do some damage or healing for you
Totemic- chance to summon totems to do some damage or healing for you
Stormbringer- wanna guess?

I haven’t seen this, is it on wowhead?, did they just Datamine the one ability?, it sounds very lack lustre.

https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2649265-The-War-Within-Alpha-Datamining-Build-54210-Class-Changes post #11

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God Totemic is looking awful. This is depressing!

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  • Spire Totem (New) Enhancement Summons a totem at your feet for 60 sec that launches an Elemental Blast at a nearby enemy. Restoration Summons a totem at your feet for 60 sec that launches a Healing Wave at a nearby injured ally. The totem can stack on top of itself 2 additional times, with each stack increasing the damage or healing it does by 10%. 2 charges. Instant. 2 charges.
  • Spiritwalker’s Momentum (New) Using spells with a cast time increases the duration of Spiritwalker’s Grace and Spiritwalker’s Aegis by 1 sec, up to a maximum of 4 sec.
  • Talent 1 (New) Your spells and abilities have a chance to call down a Spire Totem, increasing your Agility/Intellect by 2%. Spire Totems stack on top of each other. Enhancement When the totem reaches 3 stacks, your next use of Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, or Elemental Blast activates the totem, causing it to hurl an Elemental Wave at your primary target for X Elemental damage and causing Y damage to nearby enemies. Restoration When the totem reaches 3 stacks, your next use of Healing Wave, Healing Surge, or Chain Heal activates the totem, causing it to send an Elemental Wave at your primary target for X healing and healing up to 5 nearby injured allies.
  • Talent 10 (New) Enhancement When Searing Totem deals damage, the cooldown of Fire Nova is reduced by 1 sec. Restoration When Surging Totem heals, the cooldown of Healing Stream Totem and Cloudburst totem is reduced by 3 sec.
  • Talent 11 (New) Under Construction.
  • Talent 12 (New) Enhancement When your Spire Totem reaches 3 stacks, your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, or Elemental Blast consumes the totem, causing it to hurl an Elemental Wave at your primary target for X damage and causing Y damage to 5 nearby enemies. Restoration When your Spire Totem reaches 3 stacks, your next Healing Wave, Healing Surge, or Chain Heal consumes the totem, causing it to send an Elemental Wave at your primary target for X healing and causing Y healing to 5 nearby injured allies.
  • Talent 13 (New) Under Construction.
  • Talent 14 (New) Under Construction.
  • Talent 2 (New) Windfury Totem has a cooldown and does something interesting when you drop it.
  • Talent 3 (New) Healing Rain is now a totem.
  • Talent 4 (New) Healing Stream Totem + Cloudburst Totem does a Chain Heal when dropped, maybe triggered by some other effect too.
  • Talent 5 (New) New Weapon Imbue effects. Resto Sham gets a shield imbue ability.
  • Talent 6 (New) Totem stacks up to 4 times and is more powerful vs. easier to get 3 stacks talent.
  • Talent 7 (New) Reduces the cooldown of Totemic Projection by 3 sec and the cooldown of Totemic Recall by 30 sec.
  • Talent 8 (New) Chain Lightning / Chain Heal Totem.
  • Talent 9 (New) Enhancement: Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem to attack a nearby enemy for 6 sec. Restoration: Healing Wave, Healing Surge, and Chain Heal have a chance to summon a Surge Totem that uses Chain Heals to heal nearby injured allies.

I’ll be honest I’m not sure giving Enhance or Resto another ability to press is the right move or direction we should be heading, I do like the abilities that have chances to cause totems to drop, but essentially it’s like Farseer, with an extra button.

Certain abilities have a % chance too cause a totem to drop they do X,Y,Z but with the added button of Spire Totem with 2 charges to help get to 3 stacks of it to proc Elemental Wave.


When was this datamined?

Because I had this idea a few days ago.


Yeasty linked it, I just linked the notes on it, so full credit to her for finding it, it’s on mmo champ, apparently posted yesterday.

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I stopped reading 1 paeagrah in the wall of text

I mean that’s fine. Not sure why you felt the need to point that out.

I tried to structure it in a way that was organized and wouldn’t come off as a “wall of text.” Personally - I put the text there - if someone chooses to read it or chooses not to read it is of no concern to me.

That said, if you have anything useful to add to the conversation, I’d enjoy hearing it.

As much as I hate admit it, I’m more convinced that your previous statement that 1 set of hero talents will favor Elementalist and other Storm will end up being too. It seems like Elementalist will benefit greatly from this vs Storm and increase our cleave capacity in AoE.

This is definitely better than the quasi-supportive cooks that people have been making about totemic though. It’s not amazing but I’m not dooming too much about it.

Not too bummed about having an extra button. A direct button means some level of agency to have a baseline of how the ability works, with RNG determining the effectiveness based on procs. As opposed to being completely reliant on procs. The choice node between either having it stack 4 or making it stack to 3 more frequently is pretty favorable in my eyes.

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For these datamined totemic talents to be fun at all they will need to have some pretty cool graphics and also the stacking thing needs to turn ‘spire’ totem into a totem pole with a banger spell animation on this wave.

I still think it’s super boring and there are so many other ideas you could try with the vast amount of totems already in the shaman kit. Incentivize the usage of utility totems with personal gains! Change the functionality of totems! Something. Like a whole third of our class tree is devoted to totems, they have to be able to think of something cooler than stack 3 totems to proc damage.

Did I just read that they’re bringing back searing totem again? AGAIN?!

I’m seeing more than one extra button-

-Spire totem

-Windfury totem does something extra- I won’t speak for others, but I have my “totem keys” where I put whatever totems I need for the content I’m doing. I only use Windfury in raids where I am unlikely to need many other totems. If Windfury needs to be used all the time that will be an extra button for me.

-Chain lightning totem

-Fire nova cooldown reduction- depending on how strong this is we might need to take it

Without the tree even being fully fleshed out I see up to four new buttons.


That’s one

I wouldn’t really count this as it was already mandatory in raids and only this past season were people 100% phasing it out of keys.

The node with this in it says chain heal as well, and I can only imagine it’s a totem that is dropped or does something passively as a reaction to those casts. If not, I hardly see the point in spending a GCD to cast a totem that does one of those two spells, rather than using thr GCD to cast the baseline MSW- or whatever-resto-gets buff-empowered casts. Unless it’s just an extremely empowered version of each spell, in which case that seems redundant as all hell, they might as well just put chain harvest there (personally the cov abilities aside from pwave should stay dead) or use the node to just flat increase the spell baseline spell damage, as boring as that is.

No one knows till they flesh it out though, so.

If this is enough to warrant using it you’d end up rotationally dropping FrS outside of the absolute bottom of prio, and depending on tuning and how MSW generation is as well, perhaps ice strike as well.

So in reality, 1 maybe 2 extra.

I both like and hate some of what I am seeing here. New weapon imbues are interesting, chain lightning totem is interesting, the main mechanic is whatever though to me.

I don’t like seeing Fire Nova on there because I tend to prefer Stormstrike builds which have been eating dirt recently. Mountain Thane might take shaman away from me to be honest, for that flavor.

I used to love totems but over the years I have started to hate them. The gameplay keeps getting faster and faster and it makes totems more and more of a pain in the butt to manage.

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Hot take maybe. But I personally really like the idea they are going for. Getting access to a fire totem as enhance is exciting. I had no idea what they were going for with the fantasy but I like the idea they are going for. Proccing totems is a great idea and im very interested in new Weapon Imbue effects! :slight_smile:

I find Spire totem’s wording to be very confusing with how it actually works. Totem stacks are a new concept. Just have to wait and see. Potentially really great though especially if it procs and scales off mastery.

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I returned to the game in the middle of season 3, so the status quo is all I know. Using Windfury all the time will be an extra key for me.


bottom prio still needs a button

I stand by this.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ idk then

In my current setup I’d only be adding a single additional bind for spire totem. I’ve had an empty bind for on-use ascendance that’s been there since legion so I’ll prolly just slide it there.

If chain lightning totem is a button then that brings you to two, and I doubt you have a button for fire nova currently. So while it would be up to four for me, it would still be up to three for you.

No way to know for sure yet either way.

From the looks of what we’ve seen datamined in Totemic it looks like it just further enhances more on the Elementalist build so far.

As much as I’m praying Stormbringer doubles down on the Storm Build for Enhance it’s really hard to say until we see it, but looking now at most revealed Hero Specs they just essentially double down on one of the two play styles available for each spec of the class.

But in saying that we still need to see the full trees of both Totemic and Stormbringer, but the synergy so far with Totemic screams Elementalist Build, which I’m happy as I think every player should have a place they prefer on how to play.

I too myself and made it very clear on the forums I love and prefer the Storm Build myself, so I’m eagerly awaiting to see what Stormbringer brings for both Enhancement and Elemental.