Just as bad as worgen. I reckon worgen form should be a damage boost cd or proc. But yeah ain’t never happening.
40% move speed is at least somewhat useful
arcane pulse is genuinely a waste of a gcd in almost every single situation for almost every class
Unless you r a druid is pree worthless, 70% slow can be of help, the cd is just really long to be of use.
In PvE, maybe, but in PvP it needs a freedom, I think. Or rather suppression, like Maneuverability.
worgen sprint stacks with other sprints
Ummmm u sure bout that? Unlikely.
It doesn’t appear to.
it did in the past and idk why it wouldve been nerfed.
I believe theres a cap, worgen warrior with bounding stride and dark flight zooms
Curiously enough this is exactly what I just tested. I remember back in like Cataclysm that if I posthasted then nitro boosted it’d make me even faster and that was great, maybe it stacked then, but not in the last decade or so.
Just remove racials all together in PvP. Its not that hard to fix.
Maybe they nerfed it because of rbgs. Worgen druids were the best FCs, I remember that from when i used to do those.
I just want to go fast. At least it feels nice during storm.
Nah nah nah, you just a furry I bet.
Y’all are sleeping on Zandalari males.
The chest is obviously a whole entire racial.
Counter offer:
Disable all racials in ranked content/mythic raiding.
This is kind of what I had hoped they’d do eventually. Mythic raids, rated PvP and keystone dungeons. I guess it’d be too weird to have a core mechanic just randomly disabled.
Feels weird that some races just have utterly useless racials for years or decades.
no i enjoy ignoring thundering in m+ because i can human racial the stun.
its an rpg enjoy the racials making them different.
Affixes were also a mistake. We have dungeon rotations now and all they do is cause balancing issues.
youre telling me you dont enjoy the tree boss in hogwarts on tyrannical weeks??
dungeon grinding treadmill simulator is not mythic raiding, nor rated pvp.
Certain racials flat out break entire classes, like dwarf/DID vs any bleed class. Some are just inherently better for bursting, like blood fury.
No reason why “I paid $25 for a race change. You can’t kill me now” should be a viable option.