Make Gift of the Naaru REALLY GOOD

Gift of the Naaru should instead summon a Naaru in the sky above players that heals all allies in a radius for 35% of their max health with a bright aoe effect.

All racials should be buffed to not share cooldowns with the medallion, to make humans and forsaken more common. Dwarves also need the ability to trinket kidney and then remove bleeds, instead of having to choose.

Voodoo shuffle could be made an active ability that removes roots and snares, but that could be asking too much.

Oh, and the bloodelf blanket silence needs to come back, not dispelling bop with the newer blood elf racial felt really worthless.

I just think racials need to be stronger, because undead/forsaken get the short end of the stick, having will of the forsaken not share cd with trinket and also grant an immunity to charms and fears wouldn’t even make it the strongest choice for a racial, but it would feel more rewarding for the player playing undead.

The ‘pruning’ of abilities and the effectiveness of racial abilities is what drove some people away from retail, the fact that we got abilities back along with new abilities makes playing the class of our choice at the time feel more rewarding.


The only racial that needs to return is old model casting and combat animations.


burn the witch

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It should be like an AoE lay on hands that also resurrects people and gives them a hot afterwards


Petition to convert bag of tricks into a fragmentation grenade.


petition to convert arcane pulse to having any reason for me to even put it on my bars


I think it’s lame hunters can have undead pets that count as undead but undead don’t count as undead.

I’ll take the shackle from Priest and extra damage from paladins to me consider undead too.

I wouldn’t mind a racial tuning pass though touch of the grave and cannibalism could use some love


racials could definitely use another tuning pass, but not sure if they need that big of a change

the active racial for lightforged is usually not even worth the global in pvp, and the passive is literally useless

the nightborne active racial is effectively worthless

the mechagnome racial is still level 60 lol

meanwhile, nelf and dwarf racials can be game changing


At the very least they could aura buff some of the borderline trolling ones.

I think that this was thankfully fixed a few days ago.

The nightborne was is pretty awful. Surprised its been unchanged this long

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In blizzard’s defense, unlike void elves, nightborne are just cheap knockoff’s of the original. They’re an ugly race (when played by us anyways) with garbage racials to match.

Yeah, like that could easily be bumped up to like 70 or even 90%. Or make their 1% magic buff 100-200% stronger in PvP so they just have some damage to make up for lack of useful button.

The idea of racial perks are neat but there’s just so many utterly useful ones.

Blueberry elves seem excellent.


Serve them with pancakes.

I could have sworn once upon a time undead actually did have this interaction, and the undead community cried about it

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Judge us not, for the sins of our fathers.

fairly sure the lightforged racial still has an aura nerf in pvp from legion

it actually hits for such little damage, and it’s on global and 2.5m cd

playing lightforged is basically playing without racials

well thats good, they can work on the rest now lol


Im sorry but its true, i wanted to play as an awesome highborne whos been hidden from the world. Ancient in their ways, their power, and their knowledge.

I got to play as an aging anorexic lady who has back problems that really like chin caps for some reason.


(The gif was hilarious though <3)

Fridge is fine leave Fridge alone

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are… are you fridge? are we fridge? WHO IS FRIDGE.