Make Gift of the Naaru REALLY GOOD

Pandaren are the oldest un-updated race and got almost 0 customization in the shadowlands update, they need it the most.

As far as allied races go, vulpera are actually really down bad if im being honest. I think the actual lowest amount of options of any race except maybe male kultiran

I was disappointed with vulpera when I unlocked them, there’s basically no fur patterns or anything. I do like the curled ears tho :3

There’s plain, stripes and then spots with dark paws. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


nightborne should have been those scraggly things with the alien mouths, kul tiran should have the skinny versions instead of just farley and lana del ray. UD should have an upright, same with trolls.

they need to get on the ball with this stuff… and wheres the heritage armor for the races?

Nightborne should have been exactly what void elves were, modified blood elves, so in this case modified night elves. The alliance got a superior (in my opinion) blood elf, The horde got a strung out grandmother who needs a spine realignment.

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Also add the non “gut” version that they based rexxars new model on. I want to play as a jacked 7 foot giant of a man without the beer gut

Also, I want undead like calia menethil right now, that model is so clean.

it’s not the night elves fault blizzard doesn’t know how to write night elf lore since wc3

Wym, even in wc3 their main leader was a cuck.


Night elfs arnt real, their only form is whatever blizzard creates for them, and blizzard created them as losers

If Euniper likes this, it means my tier list was correct.

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I love these flowers

I’m still waiting for undead to expand. But also, with sylvanas done who’s making new undead now?

wasn’t that her thing? like she solved the ‘finite resource’ problem? By making new undead?

I wanna be an undead Tauren without death grip. Like the rotted joints and all that.

They are pretty Gucci. Your hair ain’t tho

Woah woah woah woah. You don’t like the buns?

Nope 10char

:frowning: 10charr

Tauren have enough of the hordes cool stuff, leave the hamburgers to themselves and their druids.

Sorry not just tauren.

All races as undead. Including furless worgen lol. Or at least heavily mottled.

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