Or just bosses. Like, you’ve got Nightborne with a tiny aoe slow or Dwarf who can rip off an entire boss mechanic.
I’d be less annoyed about racials if more of them were better. Like, I can’t think of a single scenario where I was like “hey mag’har would be great for this”.
Yeah, they really doomed themselves with the tint races. Now Dark Iron and Dwarf have split options and obviously one is being neglected so it’s just tragic for everybody.
Just wish they would do a better job at the racials. Silly that LFD have a 50% nerf to the nuke but you can meld anything. I love watching nelfs just randomly melding in an attempt to meld some random thing thrown at them. It’s so mindless and can be insanely rewarding.
What? It removes Deathmark, all of the bleeds applied by Deathmark, and Exsanguinate. I’d say “preventing your entire burst window - forever” falls under the “does something” category.
Yeah, iframe or whatever added so mob autos don’t immediately break meld also let you eat almost any spell in the game from pvp to raid or dungeon mechanic.
Then puts your trinket on a 30 second cd so you just kill them in the following kidney. Or you bomb kidney force trinket then kill them with deathmark. Plenty of work around for the poor rogues.
Big brain nelf dhs just melding in the middle of a chaotic fight is absolutely absurd lol.
Oh, my bad, I thought we were using our brains not spewing random blind rogue hate garbage with misinformation and opinion. The fact that it removes all of your burst, permanently, and on cooldown… meh. Or removing warrior mastery entirely during burst? Or feral damage as a whole?
I’ll do better next time…? I’ll just… go with made up stuff instead of what it actually does.
I mean I think the dwarf racial should just be the second amendment and they should shoot people with shotguns and instantly kill them while espousing self defense in /say