Make Gift of the Naaru REALLY GOOD

I’m a mage do you think I sit any stun? Refreshing my DR every 15 seconds sounds fantastic :thinking:

i’ve seen how you blink in shuffles

How does it feel to come on here and spew filth like that.

Thats what a trinket is for if I gotta blink aggro and eat a stun I don’t like.

oh don’t forget turn undead lol. it’d be like hunters vs druids or druids vs druids.

honestly i’m liking it the more I think about it.

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It may feel like my post was directed towards you, but let me reassure you that it absolutely was, nice L race XD


Lmao, the drug elves are the least of my concern

Imagine thinking that orcs and the goats with squidbillies on their face are better than gnomes, or goblins, or half the things you have them higher than. Typical furry

Nothing more cringe than people who claim to be night elf fans when night elfs are the biggest L takers in the warcraft universe. Everything they do further cements them in loserdom and the only reason they arnt Z tier is because of illidan.


Of all the “furry” races, vulpera are the only ones that are adorable. Worgen and tauren are hideous and pandaren are at least comical

Please, you were just blizzards attempt to corner the zootopia r34 market.

So true. :dracthyr_love_animated:

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You’re all nuts.

Bearded races > everything else. Fuzz ball races don’t count as beards (panda, worgen, Tauren, vulpera).

Male nelf new full beard is great. Same with human. Dwarves supreme S tier with gnomes for epic beards.

Horde races all have garbage beards.

Beard is best.

Almost all r34 in the wow universe is either elfs getting railed by worgen/tauren or fem draenei with horse appendages, they know their audience

communist propaganda.

you’ve clearly not gone deep enough. maybe thats a good thing though, we need more innocent furries.

Unrelated but Worgen deserve more customization. :wolf:

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racials should be directed towards another races in the game since they obviously cant do that with classes and specs anymore.

Human > UD = Turn Evil (Fear)
Orc > Human = Overpower (Increased DMG)
etc etc.

After seeing what they’re capable with the lizards, every race needs more customization, I would 100% switch to evoker if i could stay in visage form the whole time. I love it

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I imagine that in a future patch they’ll open visage forms up to most other races when they allow Dracthyr to play non-evoker classes.

Yeah, for sure. Races like Dark Iron are super left behind.

Void elves need more hairstyles imo. They have like 5. Now that i think of it, all the allied races are lacking in customization.