Make Gift of the Naaru REALLY GOOD


Thatā€™s what I meant

I spent 30 minutes on a trial druid getting this stupid crown Iā€™m going to wear it.

Does it taste good atleast? Like do you have it with ranch or something?

How did you get it? Iā€™m tryna get like you, big sis

Yes I have a habit of leaping into bushes and eating flowers with ranch packets in my pockets.

Live ur truth sweetie

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Oh my god yes

How does it feel, to live my dream

Itā€™s got positive vibes bro

Look at you go

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Gobby is too low, but most accurate list so far.

heres my friendā€™s take

List invalid, Worgen (body type 2) not in F tier.

incinerate too, new one looks like a 3rd grader made it as a school project.

windfury too, not sure how they ended on the little white circle at the feet instead of an actual hurricane surrounding your character on proc ā€“ nm i know why.

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i would have worgen female in my F tier too but the model update made them way way way better, and i think you can make really cool looking ones now, so they moved up to B

i would rate pre-update worgen female in the same tier as kt female

Like, the models themselves look decent, then you try running around. Itā€™s like the female Kulā€™iran.

At least Worgen have the models because Kulā€™tiran have nothing. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

yes. absolutely lol. immolate would be nice to return to omni cast too (like fear animaiton)

What really upsets me is fighting npcs who cast immolate / incinerate and tehy use the good spell cast animation or particles lol. just salt in the wound.

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stunned by radiant decree every 15 seconds sounds good huh

on that topic, there is no good reason that dhs donā€™t count as demons for cc purposes while in meta. wake/radiant stun and warlock banish should apply

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h ttps://

only real tier list that matters, anything else is objectively wrong

(kennie hook me up)

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exorcism stuns undead too. iā€™m for it tho. esp if it comes with fear/charm/sleep immunity.

wonder if dks could heal us lol

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